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The original was posted on /r/pathofexile by /u/ThatOneNinja on 2025-01-09 05:09:41+00:00.
The crossbow suffers from several issues that could be solved with a "quiver", a bandolier. The stats and damage of the crossbow is on par with a bow but has the clunkiness of the reload and without the added benefits of quiver stats . On top of the that the reload significantly slows down his dps and move speed. Just these two factors, I believe, is why the crossbow is considered lower tier.
The lack of addition stats from a "quiver" suggests it is a glass cannon, a risk reward style game play. It is about proper timing, maneuvering, and pacing. Failing any of these could result in death. It is a fun play style, but without the "canon" part of the glass canon, it falls short. Getting more stats and benefits from a bandolier could bring crossbow more on par with other ranged weapons and make it feel more like the shooter style the it supposed to be.
The bandolier could also provide more variety in the game play. As it is now, the type of crossbow is irrelevant. The only one that matters is the bombard if you are running grenades. A bandolier could provide variety to builds with bonuses such as, quicker reloads, more grenades, larger blast radius, more bolts, and armor pen, are possible examples.
Of course these would be in addition to regular stat increase that quivers currently give.
A separate thought about adding variety to the crossbow would be adjusting the crossbow base types. Instead of the minor bolt changes the current base types have, they could work more like the barrel of a gun. For example for shotgun builds, they could have a "choke" type, narrowing or expanding the shotgun blasts. Other base types could add pierce or shattering bolts. These would give the crossbow a greater distinction from the bow.
These are just some thoughts I had while putting many hours into the mercenary that could really define and distinguish the new addition of the crossbow play style. What do we think? What else could really put the crossbow and the map?