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The original was posted on /r/pathofexile by /u/Space_Croquette on 2025-01-01 16:18:07+00:00.
The first thing that bothers me about the new endgame map is its lack of visual clarity. I find it extremely difficult to see where I am, where I can progress, and what I have already achieved.
In POE1, Delve provided a clear sense of progression through the mine. Paths you had taken were highlighted in yellow, and the endless progression in one direction gave a strong sense of achievement. You could easily see your progress and what you had accomplished.
In POE2, however, the paths between maps are barely visible. It would be great if these paths were highlighted, making it easier to track your progression. Additionally, it’s very difficult to distinguish which maps have been completed and which haven’t. A colorblind mode would likely help with this issue as well.
Another concern is the diminished sense of progression. Theoretically, it’s possible to have a Tier 1 map next to a Tier 15 map depending on the direction you take, or even backtrack to an earlier point and start in another direction. This makes the progression feel scattered and unfulfilling.
I also find it frustrating to have to open the legend to see what a map does. Wouldn't it be possible to display the map's modifiers simply by hovering over it? While some information, like additional essences, is shown, other mechanics such as Breach or Expedition are not. Having this information readily accessible would improve the experience.
Finally, earning only 2 points every 10 maps feels unsatisfying. It doesn’t provide a strong sense of progression, especially when those 2 points grant just 6% rarity. For comparison, equipping a new ring that gives 20% rarity feels far more impactful. This disparity makes the progression system feel underwhelming.
While these may seem like minor details, they affect my motivation to continue progressing in the Atlas.
That said, the foundation is fantastic. Having Delve-style gameplay as the endgame map is a brilliant idea. Once more content is added, being able to choose which map to run will be a great improvement. I just hope for better visual clarity and a system that reinforces the sense of progression in the endgame.