Prepper Forum

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Discsussions about prepping and preparedness, including disasters, prepping communities, sustainability, situational awareness, supplies, skills, gear. This is a forum about knowledge sharing.

founded 2 years ago

This is the biggest 'Fuck you poors' I could ever imagine.


It’s almost too much to get your head around: that we have shaped the world so profoundly in what is, in the Earth’s history, the blink of an eye. Most of the geological epochs in the past 4.6bn years have lasted millions of years each time. According to the Anthropocene Working Group, the Anthropocene is thought to have begun in the 1950s, when industrialisation accelerated. One of its hallmarks is that we humans are affecting the conditions of life everywhere, all at once. We have instigated a sixth mass extinction of other species; we have changed the biosphere and altered the chemistry of the oceans by burning fossil fuels; we have uprooted forests and poisoned land with chemicals.

I've been posting about this topic for several days now. It's because I personally feel vulnerable to disasters brought about by extreme effects of climate change, e.g., unusually severe weather, flooding, and unusually hot days (and the excess load on the grid this brings about). These are what I prep for.


Why South Koreans are rushing to stockpile salt

Japan is set to release more than 1 million metric tons of water into the Pacific that was used to cool damaged reactors at the power plant north of Tokyo, after it was hit by an earthquake and tsunami in 2011.

Tokyo has repeatedly assured that the water is safe and has been filtered to remove most isotopes though it does contain traces of tritium, an isotope of hydrogen hard to separate from water.

Although Japan has not set a date for the release, the announcement has made fishermen and shoppers across the region apprehensive.

(edited the link)


Saw this question on reddit, and I thought to ask here, too.


Hiba Baroud, associate professor and associate chair in the department of civil and environmental engineering at Vanderbilt University, explains how flooding stresses dams in a changing climate.


Our proactive efforts are powered by data. We aim to anticipate upcoming disaster requests and the necessary items we’ll need to support. While every disaster is different, we now have a better understanding of which items communities will need most when certain disasters strike, so we work with our relief partners to pre-pack items so they’re ready when they need them.


The risk of natural disasters is everywhere (even in the most resilient places). People will no longer just have to prepare for intensified versions of the natural disasters they know, but they will also have to consider the possibility of new types of disasters — floods, storms, heat waves, droughts, and fires — impacting their community. And since most US insurance companies are backed by international reinsurance companies that cover other parts of the world, homeowners everywhere will pay the price for climate change’s global effects.


It may be the home of Zen, but Japan is one of the most disaster-prone places on the planet. With the increasing threat of a nuclear attack from North Korea, some of Japan's citizens are taking extreme measures to protect their families, prepping for the worst case scenario.


“It’s not just a figment of your imagination, and it’s not because everybody now has a smartphone,” said Jeff Berardelli, the chief meteorologist and climate specialist for WFLA News in Tampa. “We’ve seen an increase in extreme weather. This without a doubt is happening.”

It is likely to get more extreme. This year, a powerful El Niño developing in the Pacific Ocean is poised to unleash additional heat into the atmosphere, fueling yet more severe weather around the globe.

“We are going to see stuff happen this year around Earth that we have not seen in modern history,” Mr. Berardelli said.


The color of the ocean is derived from the materials found in its upper layers. For example, a deep blue sea will have very little life in it, whereas a green color means there are ecosystems there, based on phytoplankton, plant-like microbes which contain chlorophyll. The phytoplankton form the basis of a food web which supports larger organisms such as krill, fish, seabirds and marine mammals.


The prepper subculture has long been associated with the right but, with climate disasters on the rise, shouldn’t we all be thinking about how to better prepare ourselves and our communities?


On Monday, the average global temperature reached 17.01 degrees Celsius (62.62 Fahrenheit), the highest in the US National Centers for Environmental Prediction’s data, which goes back to 1979. On Tuesday, it climbed even further, reaching 17.18 degrees Celsius and global temperature remained at this record-high on Wednesday.

The previous record of 16.92 degrees Celsius was set in August 2016.

The European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service confirmed that Monday’s and Tuesday’s global temperatures were also records in its data, which dates back to 1940.

While these global temperature records are based on data sets that go back to the mid-20th century, they are almost certainly the warmest the planet has seen over a much longer time period, some scientists say, given what we know from many millennia of climate data extracted from ice cores and coral reefs.

This week’s records are probably the warmest in “at least 100,000 years,” Jennifer Francis, a senior scientist at Woodwell Climate Research Center, told CNN, calling the records “a huge thing.”


We can expect 2023 to emerge as the warmest year to date. But sea-surface temperatures during El Niño events tend to peak about December and have the greatest influences in the subsequent two months. That sets the stage for 2024 jumping up the staircase to the next level, perhaps to 1.4℃ above pre-industrial levels, with likely daily incursions over 1.5℃.

Once the next La Niña event comes along, there’ll again be a pause in the rise, but values will never quite go back to previous levels.


This is not just about millions of Americans, of course, but billions of people around the globe. Over the weekend, Delhi recorded its wettest July day in 40 years, Beijing residents flocked to underground air raid shelters to escape the heat, and floods carried away cars in Spain.

The planet is entering a multiyear period of exceptional warmth, scientists say. Greenhouse gas emissions, mostly from the burning of fossil fuels, have already heated the Earth by an average of 1.2 degrees Celsius (or 2.2 degrees Fahrenheit) compared with preindustrial levels. Now a powerful El Niño system in the Pacific Ocean is releasing a torrent of heat into the atmosphere. The warmest days in modern history occurred this month. That all sets the stage for more damaging heat waves, floods, droughts, wildfires and hurricanes.

Yesterday, as I spoke with climate scientists for a story about the storm that walloped my house, they all sounded the alarm about what was coming in the months ahead.

“We are going to see stuff happen this year around Earth that we have not seen in modern history,” one meteorologist told me. “It will be astonishing.”


(From Wikipedia)

Survival Family (サバイバルファミリー, Sabaibaru famirī) is a 2016 Japanese drama/comedy directed by Shinobu Yaguchi. The film was produced by Takashi Ishihara, Minami Ichikawa, and Kiyoshi Nagai. The film was selected for the International Film Festival & Awards in Macao, for 2016.


This film centers on the main character Yoshiyuki Suzuki (played by Fumiyo Kohinata) and his family. When the electricity in Tokyo stops due to a solar flare, the city is on the verge of panic. Yoshiyuki has to lead his family to strive for survival. The family is used to being spoilt by modern urban life. However, they learn to deal with the harsh realities of a dystopic Japan where the lack of electricity has led everyone to rediscover the olden ways that do not rely on technology.


From National Geographic: "What would happen if the Doomsday Preppers were right all along? Explore what might happen if America suffered a massive and long-lasting power-outage caused by cyber-terrorism. "

I've been looking for this docu-drama for quite some time. Someone saved a copy on Vimeo, and I'm sharing here for reference.

  1. Preppers are not who you think are – they are a multitude.
  2. It’s not only Preppers who are preparing for the end of civilization – your government is too!
  3. You will always miss one thing on your prep list.
  4. Beware of ‘apocalypse swapping’.
  5. You can spot a Prepper because they buy… chickens!
  6. Preppers are secretive, and have to be.

"In 2020, more than 20 million Americans, nearly 7 percent of all U.S. households, were actively planning for an emergency, according to the latest analysis of Federal Emergency Management Agency data.

Plus, those stockpiling canned goods in the cupboards, caching ammunition and hoarding toilet paper now come in all stripes - from suburban 'guardian moms' to multi-millionaire tech gurus."


"Some of her friends call her a doomsday prepper — a moniker she's grown to enjoy, with a slight adaptation.

"I call myself an economic reality prepper," she said with a laugh.

"We now live within our means, we budget, I cook probably 99 per cent of our meals at home, and I grow food as a regular part of my life.""


cross-posted from:

A lot of prepper content seems to wrongly focus on grand sudden events-Hollywood-style collapses of society or environment. The reality, from the fall of Rome to Lebanon this century, is that collapse is usually a slow crumbling where the things people rely on become less and less reliable.

A useful intuition pump is to do your threat modelling with two likely events that, if they happened separately, would only be inconveniences, but together pose a serious threat.

For example:

  • Your kid is away at summer camp and there’s a gasoline supply shock.
  • A storm washes out your road and your dad gets readmitted to the hospital.
  • There’s a wildfire and your car battery is dead.

What are the two most likely inconveniences given your loved ones and where you live?



submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

From the previous post about extremes in "prepping" and being a "prepper", I think it would be a good discussion to know why we're here in this Community.

I don't consider myself being into hardcore prepping, as I am mostly trying to be prepared for potential disasters that are relevant to my own area. I live and work a few Km from a major fault line, which is said to be due to move after its centuries or so recorded cycle. While I live in the midlands, I will get cut off from the city if bridges get flooded or damaged.

I am worried that the supply of food and other goods might get scarce in the event of a major disaster. Just a few years ago, a major storm wiped out an entire region, rendering millions homeless, without food, sanitation, and electricity, for months, with thousands dead.

Apart from a few weeks' worth of food and water stores, I am trying to build a vegetable garden the "permaculture" way. I also have off-grid voice and data communication capabilities, being into amateur radio. I can communicate with my immediate family as well as my extended family who are also hams. This means we can regularly practice our comms even outside of a disaster scenario.

A few of my ham radio friends and I have also built a group of satphone users across different cities, so we have redundancies in case grid communications go down. And as you may have noticed from my posts here, I'm also into prepping for digital stuff, including privacy and security matters.

I am also part of a community of other preppers. We each have our own area of expertise, including security (active and reserve military as well as contractors), farming, medicine, communications, etc. We have people who know how to pilot a plane, as well as those who can easily identify which plants are edible. We have serious outdoorsmen in our group. We meet on a regular basis and share what we know and try to replicate our skills. I think this is a good way to be prepared for such disaster scenarios.

I know opsec will dictate that some do not share what exactly they're doing. But my kind of prepping is mostly inclusive and mostly community-driven. Some paint us as fear-mongering, but whenever there are disasters, I feel that people suddenly take an interest in getting prepared.


I've been interested in this whole prepping thing for the past couple of years, and I noticed something: A lot of people seem to look down on it. The words "prepper" and "prepping" sometimes get negative reactions, and it got me wondering--why's that?

It feels like some people see preppers as paranoid conspiracy theorists or just plain weird. But when you think about it, there are a ton of reasons to prep, like natural disasters (earthquakes, storms) or a bad economy. Prepping doesn't necessarily equate to being a bunker-dwelling hermit, right?

What do you guys think? Why do you reckon "prepper" and "prepping" get a bad rap? Is it just how the media paints it, or is it something else? Any of you gotten weird looks or comments? How do you deal with it? And do you think folks are seeing preppers differently now with all the stuff going on in the world these days?


"Motorola's messaging service works just like SMS, but it can only be delivered to other people running the special Bullitt Satellite Messenger app. The service will do SMS forwarding, though, so if you punch in a random number, that person will receive a message prompting them to download the Bullitt app so they can talk to you. It's probably best to set this up with someone beforehand, but it sounds like a great way to communicate when you're off the grid."

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