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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/soccerplaya239 on 2025-01-23 15:50:38+00:00.
Roaring Kitty tweeted this at 6:00 pm (Mountain Standard Time) on June 22, 2025.
The original clip is from Futurama Season 4, Episode 7: "Jurassic Bark".
Short breakdown: The "Jurassic Bark" episode of Futurama (Season 4, Episode 7) features a heart-wrenching scene at the end where Fry's dog Seymour is shown waiting for him. After Fry decides not to clone Seymour, believing the dog had moved on and forgotten about him, a flashback reveals the tragic truth. The scene shows Seymour faithfully waiting outside Panucci's Pizza for 12 years, from when Fry disappeared until Seymour's death. This poignant montage is set to the song "I Will Wait for You" by Connie Francis.
In the original clip, you'll notice that the song "I Will Wait for You" by Connie Francis plays verses 1 & 4, while Roaring Kitty's clip plays verse 2.
Image from FriendlyRedditor09
So why did he specifically change it and choose those lyrics to express to us?
My theory is that in this latest tweet, he is saying he will wait forever for his recalled shares to return to him.
Recalled shares? Why would he recall his shares? Why is that important?
Let's first look back in time...
In 2020, Michael Burry tweeted publicly that it took weeks for his broker to find his shares of $GME when he recalled them:
Just for fun, I'd like to show you that he tweeted this hours earlier:
Okay, so it took WEEKS for his broker to recall and find all of his real shares from the lending pool or wherever they were. I think this is what Roaring Kitty is referencing in his tweets. I am not sure which is the exact first tweet that references his recall, but in my opinion, it is either the TIME You Cover tweet or the Dave Chappelle / Rick James tweet.
TIME You Cover Tweet could have been the first warning:
However, I believe the tweet from the Dave Chappelle sketch - Charlie Murphy’s True Hollywood Stories: Rick James is a more direct signal to his recall.
To me, it looks like he's calling to something and saying "Come here" or more specifically, "Give it to me baby"
Song Lyrics:
Give it to me, baby (Give to me, baby)
Give it to me, baby (Give to me, baby)
[Verse 2]
When I was high as the sky
Out all night just dancing
You say let's go home
(C'mon, Rick, I'm tired, let's go home)
That's the time I start romancin'
You say "How can I love ya?
(How can I love you, baby?)
When your body keeps on moving?"
I say "Wait 'til I squeeze you" (Oh)
Maybe then you'll start to groovin'
C'mon, girl
Okay, let's wrap this all together now. Why am I even speculating that Roaring Kitty recalled his shares? Why is that important to our beloved stock? What does recalling shares do?
I asked ChatGPT, "What happens to the stock price of a single stock when you recall millions of shares to your account?":
Recalling millions of shares to your account can influence a stock's price depending on the dynamics of the market and how the recall is executed. Here's a breakdown:
- Short Squeeze Potential
If the recalled shares are being lent out for short selling (common in a margin account), the recall forces borrowers (short sellers) to return the shares. This can trigger a short squeeze, where short sellers rush to buy back shares to close their positions, driving up the stock price.
- Market Perception
Large movements in share recalls might signal insider confidence or strategic moves, which could influence market perception positively, causing the price to rise. However, if seen as unusual or suspicious, it could trigger volatility.
- Liquidity and Supply Constraints
Recalling shares reduces the number of shares available for lending or trading, potentially leading to a supply shortage. This lower liquidity can drive up the price as buyers compete for fewer available shares.
- Depends on Market Conditions
- High-Volume Stock: In a highly liquid stock with millions of shares traded daily, the impact might be negligible.
- Low-Volume Stock: In a stock with lower daily trading volumes, recalling millions of shares could create a noticeable impact on price.
ExSqueeze me? Reading that made my nipples hard. Is it possible that RK knew that when he recalled his shares, it would take WEEKS for them to find that many real shares? Is it possible that he knew how recalling his shares would affect our beloved stock? Is it also possible that RK knew the Japanese interest rates increase would cause some unwinding of the carry trade (which is used by hedge funds)? Is it possible that with increased interest rates, he knew it might be more difficult for short hedge funds to continue shorting with the same amount of volatility and pressure? I think all of these are entirely possible.
Here is a breakdown of the Japanese Yen Carry Trade & Roaring Kitty Livestream Image for those who want it.
-------- This is where my main theory ends and the heavy tin begins -------
Let's dive deeper into some of the other tin foil around Kitty's Seymour Tweet.
Look again at the opening image of the video.
Does anything stand out?
Looks to me like he's looking ahead to the future.
What other tin is there?
So, you're telling me, the Dog's name is literally Seymour Asses, which many apes are interpreting as Sey-Mourass-es ( See MOASSes). Wow! I need more tin for that one. ha
There's also this moment from the same episode where bender says this:
Lastly, we have the connection to $U or $Unity.
In the scene Kitty tweeted, as Seymour waits and time goes by, we see the U drop from it's holding place. Watch seconds 35-40 from the tweet.
We also know that in the Dave Chappelle / Rick James skit that Kitty tweeted, he was wearing a Unity Ring.
Lastly, Kitty has tweeted references from 'V for Vendetta'. Specifically the overture & this poster.
This scene from V for Vendetta directly mentions "Strength through Unity & Unity through Faith". However, we also see the slogan is visible on posters, banners, and government signage in the dystopian London setting. It's one of the first ways the film establishes the authoritarian nature of the regime:
Personally, I don't put any weight into the $Unity tin foil, because I like to believe Kitty is much more direct with what he likes to say to us.
Anyways, that is all the speculation & tin foil I have for you today. Much love to all the apes who made it this far. I appreciate and love every single one of you who have tickets on this rocket to the moon. Without us coming together, we wouldn't have the strength we have to put fear in the dumb short hedge funds. Never forget that they wanted our beloved GameStop DEAD! But now it's us knocking at the door!
I am an XXX ape who is fully DRSd & I love $GME & GameStop. I have been here for 4 years and I am not leaving. I trust Ryan Cohen & RK. Much Love. Ook Ook!