I had no idea the term wasn't used in other places. That's interesting. I'll have to keep that in mind in the future.
On the subject of other things that taste like soap, oregano also tastes like soap to me. I can't tell if I'm blessed or even more cursed for liking that taste.
As a trans woman who came out the other side... well there's no modest way to put it- pretty damn attractive I'm told, I never understood why women just assume guys are hitting on them until I lived it.
I don't even do it on purpose. It's just that the vast, vast majority of the time, guys are trying to hit on me, and my brain has connected the "guy talking to me" neuron and the "guy hitting on me" neuron so tightly that it doesn't even occur to me that they might not be unless they prove it through extended interactions, usually over years, of never showing any interest.
And yeah, I've definitely fallen for people largely because they simply hadn't shown any signs of being into me. You're right that there is an immense sense of safety in knowing they've never tried to get in my pants. Unfortunately, that also means, 99% of the time, that they're gonna say no if I ask them out (I generally prefer to make the first move because it feels safer.)
For the sake of example and because it's relevant to the thread, I asked a dude out who'd shown no interest, and it turned out he was actually attracted to me, but wasn't interested because he'd been heavily abused in a past relationship and he wasn't ever willing to give it another shot.
And on that subject, having life experience as both a man and a woman really does open your mind to how differently abuse is treated between men and women. I was heavily abused as a kid, both by men and women, and telling the story before I transitioned, people always desperately searched for a reason it was my fault (even though I was a kid at the time it happened) and when they couldn't find one, spouted lines like "at least you're stronger for it."
As a woman, people, not having knowledge that I wasn't always a woman, immediately recognize how horrible my abuse was, zero attempts to justify it, and hell, even direct me to support groups (albiet I've attended said groups before and they're fucking useless trauma feedback circles in my experience.)
Well, that turned into a half irrelevant rant, but it's nice to have some of that off my chest.
The only worse answer than "no" is "I'd love you more."
I don't know what creates the better vibrations tbh, I just know from my own personal experience there isn't enough difference for me to notice at max (while plugged in I mean, the thing's very noticeably weaker running purely on battery.)
Not that I own a wired one personally for full disclosure (and therefore don't have that much experience with it) but I'm talking from the minimal experience I do have combined with the numbers.
Not a joke: When I was playing the Wii for the first time I legit thought "Damn, when this becomes retro Ima feel so old."
You can use the wireless one wired anyway, and it's literally just a direct upgrade to the wired in every possible way. There's really no reason to go with the wired one, it's just coasting on its legend tbh.
It's actually slightly more powerful than the corded if you keep it plugged in while using it, because it gets more powerful when it's plugged in and its max setting is higher than the original. The reputation for less power just comes from the fact that it offers much lower settings than the original had, but the max is 300rpm higher than the max of the original.
Definitely the better option IMO. Way more maneuverability when there's no cord in the way and if you were gonna use it wired, it's better for that too anyway.
You'd be surprised. Both "The farming of your plants kills more animals than livestock raising" and "veganism is genocide because they'll stop breeding the animals if we stop eating them" unironocally come up almost instantly when I talk about it and I'm not even quite vegan, I just avoid animal products because of allergies to a lot of them...
Fortunately, I think you'd probably notice if you did. Makes it hella hard to swallow stuff unless you pulverize it to a paste. In my case, some days I can't even swallow things as simple as applesauce and have to just drink high calorie liquids.
Edit: After seeing the rest of your comments in this thread... Yeah, sounds like dysphagia. Dysphagia is a symptom though, not the condition itself. If you've got it, something deeper is wrong. In my case it's likely nerve damage and allergies together.
That's definitely what it's like for me. I often have to check the ingredients to make sure I rinsed the dish properly or if it's just cilantro (or oregano, which also tastes like soap to me, and smells strongly like it.)