Ah so violent content is banned unless it’s making Reddit cash. Then it’s fine.
Violent content is against Reddit rules. So why is the content not being removed and the poster banned?
This is what happens when you overcharge for a remaster.
Like I’ve said. The first one was definitely a WAVE. But as that doesn’t suit the anti-right narrative then I’ll let you keep believing you’re right.
I couldn’t find any with the airing order so I made my own. All the ones I could find were chronological order Starting with Enterprise.
No I didn’t. Not being American why would I. Just seen the video online.
Part II really, REALLY doesn't need a sequel. I don't think Part I did.
It is the overall worst Star Trek series ever made. There are good episodes, but not many. I still haven't seen season 5.
Too many to name.
I'm currently watching them all from start to finish in airing order. It means some messing about but worth it. I've never watched them all like this. I'm currently on TNG's Relics.
If you're referring to the flag there are local authorities that will TRY and order you to take down the Union Jack as it can be offensive to some people. Which usually results on more flags being flown.
Is there another country on Earth where the feelings of foreigners is placed above and beyond the national flag?
It doesn't say it comes with it so I assume it doesn't.