Would not consider myself a filmmaker at all. But I use it to make some tutorials that I record with OBS for a wiki.
I also use it to make quick and dirty skit shorts that I put on various platforms.
Would not consider myself a filmmaker at all. But I use it to make some tutorials that I record with OBS for a wiki.
I also use it to make quick and dirty skit shorts that I put on various platforms.
I have been to European theaters that are dine-in and smaller. You got maybe 30 comfortable seats and with tray tables. You order your food / beverages 60 minutes before the movie.
During those 60 minutes you can wait in the lounge and have a drink with an appertife.
When the commercials start the food is served, then the movie starts and everyone is enjoying their meal and movie.
When the half way point hit they pause the movie as days of yore and you get a 20 minute break for going to the toilet and order more things.
They also serve tea and coffee during that time for free.
The kicker is that the tickets are little bit cheaper then the traditional big theater and the experience is 10 times better and more intimite since it only takes 30 people in one saloon.
Please check here on how to contribute to the bug hunt:
You can follow the effort here to squish the bug once and for all.
If you got the issue and want to send your logs etc check the comment a bit down
As 0.8.3b did not fix the issue for all users we will do a minor patch of 0.8.4b that should move the folders correctly to retrodeck/ES-DE/ and force set the correct path in ES_Config.
The 0.8.0b branch is still on the old manifest and it is a bit unwieldy to debug and we are making changes to our testing routines and the tester user program.
In some more positive news for @everyone. As soon as we got this fixed we will post our blogpost for August detailing some of the work we have done during the summertime (the new manifest).
Is this not the same as https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2022-microfinance-banks-profit-off-developing-world/ ??
There is https://github.com/ShadowBlip/OpenGamepadUI/
As well.
RetroDECK uses ES-DE but don't support native games yet, so pure ES-DE is better for this.
There is a second bug affecting users scraped data, we recommend everyone to wait for 0.8.3b
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