They are looking to raise money this time instead of taking free hosting. AWS already offered to host it but they turned it down because they don't want to be back to this state in a few years.
I just get stuck for 30 minutes
I personally wouldn't do this. You want your network to be dedicated hardware
What part of it doesn't work? Rather than resorting to name calling I would instead say what the problem is. You will get way more help when you aren't being a jerk.
Are you talking about Firefox based browsers or is my link broken? Firefox allows pinning a web page to start and setting a home page.
Music is really the only thing that can describe the Autistic experience
I honestly had forget that Lemmy was still in beta.
I feel like this is going to be a rocky change but hopefully it will be over quickly.
I would go for something more reputable like AWS or Azure.
There is also a scalability aspect. All companies start off small.
Self hosting websites? Easy
Self hosting something for a business? Run for the hills. It will not end well and you would be much better off with something more business standard.
The bells of Amsterdam
What are we talking about?