Japanese Language

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ようこそJapaneseLanguageへ! 日本語に興味を持てば、どうぞ登録して勉強しましょう!日本語に関係するどのテーマ、質問でも大歓迎します。 This is a community dedicated to the Japanese language. Feel free to come in and ask questions or post your thoughts and opinions about this beautiful language.

Feel free to check out the web archive of r/LearnJapanese's resources if you're looking for more learning material or tools to aid you in your Japanese language journey!


Remember that you can add furigana to your posts by writing ~{KANJI|FURIGANA}~ like:

~{漢字|かんじ}~ which comes out as:


founded 2 years ago

I just switched to Android after being a very long time iOS user and I'm somewhat at a loss at the best apps and must-haves of Japanese content, dictionaries and similar stuff.

What are your best recommendations?


Not a plea for help since I imagine using the word bank allows the text to be accepted. And no, I'm not trying to get it to fail by using 二 instead of ニ. I'm pretty sure the exercise is bugged.


You can now use furigana in your posts via the DenDen Markdown syntax for furigana. If you write the following


It will come out like this: {学校|がっこう}


This channel is pretty fun whenever I need something to watch and relax without thinking much about it. It has also helped me realise I make a lot of mistakes when writing by hand which inevitably leads to messier characters. Definitely recommend watching if you’re into this type of stuff.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've been playing japanese games on my steam deck lately and have discovered a useful workflow for looking things up if you've got an Android device on hand.

Install Google Lens. Install Aedict and add JMDict in it (JMDict is what jisho.org uses, so it's pretty good). When in Google Lens, you can use "Text" mode to take a picture then select and copy text. When you copy text, Android will helpfully pop up a Share dialog. Click the share logo, find Aedict in the list and bookmark it so it's always at the top by holding down on it and click "pin".

Google lens will smartly let you select entire words with a single tap and has a dedicated copy text button, so this workflow is a surprisingly fast way to open your dictionary when trying to read text from other devices, from physical media, or out in the wild. It's even pretty good at reading handwriting.


Mine was at the beginning to be able to read Visual Novels, but now is more than that, I like to learn more and there are few sensations like understanding new "symbols" as words.


If so, any recommendations on podcasts to listen to?

Thanks in advance!


知ってる慣用句は少ないけど、「死んだ魚の目」という慣用句が好き(英語の意味は「thousand-yard stare」それとも「empty eyes」)。



This video by Kotorabo, one of the best YouTube channels about language and etymologies talks about the question we’ve all wondered at some point: why doesn’t Japanese just get rid of Kanji?


It seems like it's every day that I get advice that is aimed at beginner learners, like how to learn kana, or to pick up Genki or Minna no Nihongo, or use an app like Duolingo or Lingodeer. However, I'm closer to intermediate level (approximately N3, maybe N2), and I'm kind of stumped when it comes to studying.

For example, one of the most common pieces of advice I get is to immerse myself in the language, for example by playing games or watching movies/anime in Japanese. However, that method does get really frustrating in many ways. For example, when there are no closed captions available for Japanese movies, which makes understanding much harder, especially if the characters speak very quickly. Another nuisance this method has, is when I have to look up a word or two for every single sentence I hear/read. This is made even more annoying when a certain word contains complicated kanji, so I have to type it into the dictionary radical by radical. Doing that so often can be a real pain in the backside and suck the enjoyment out of the game/film. And also, it gets even tougher when I come across some slang or colloquial expression, or onomatopoeia, or a grammar structure I haven't heard of before. During these times, I'm not very sure how to look those up, since I'm most likely not going to find these in the dictionary I use.

Moreover, I'm not quite sure how to learn vocabulary with this method of media consumption, since it's not uncommon for me to encounter a word once or twice and then never again, making it difficult to remember. I'd learn it with flashcards, but 1, making flashcards takes a long time. And 2, it gets quite boring, and I tend to forget words very easily, even with Anki.

I also heard of advice saying I should pick up an advanced textbook, like Tobira. However, the grinding aspect of just translating sentences into a specific grammar pattern repeatedly always felt boring. Even with Genki, I kinda just speedran/skimmed through the exercises, made notes out of the grammar explanations, and solidified what I learned through graded readers (which were still a pain, because they weren't very interesting to read, to be honest).

I have a feeling that despite being given these pieces of advice, there must be a wrong and right way of using them. So, I think I might be misusing the advice I've been given (either that, or I've been given the wrong advice, which I kind of doubt).

If anyone out here can give me corrections on how to study correctly, as well as perhaps giving new advice, would be very much appreciated. 読んでくれてありがとうございました。

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Alright everyone! JLPT is tomorrow. Discuss anything related to the test, success or failure stories, fun anecdotes and everything in-between in this thread!

Good luck to all of you taking JLPT within the following hours!


When I mean learning I do not mean translating big sentences or something like that, I mean things like: "Is this japanese sentence correctly written? 雲の日が好きです" In this example it answered: "

Yes, the Japanese sentence "雲の日が好きです" is correctly written. It translates to "I like cloudy days" in English. Here's a breakdown of the sentence:

  • 雲 (くも/kumo): This means "cloud."
  • の (no): This is a possessive particle that indicates the relationship between "cloud" and "day" in this context.
  • 日 (ひ/hi): This means "day."
  • が (ga): This is a subject marker particle that marks "cloudy day" as the subject of the sentence.
  • 好きです (すきです/suki desu): This means "like" or "to like" and is a polite way of expressing one's preference. The verb 好き (suki) means "to like," and です (desu) is a polite copula used to indicate politeness and formality.

Therefore, the sentence "雲の日が好きです" correctly conveys the meaning "I like cloudy days" in Japanese.


Is this correct,do you consider it reliable?

Sometimes I also ask some questions like: "What function does 'こと' grammatically fulfill on this sentence? .... "


Since I decided to nuke my reddit account, here's an archive link to one of my niche posts that has helped people interested in Classical Japanese.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.comfysnug.space/post/79947

Anime has slowly grown into a global phenomenon, but visual novels are far more niche. Many visual novels remain untouched by localization companies, and sometimes the localizations we do get are…lackluster.

Often, the best way to experience a visual novel is in the original language—Japanese. Whether you’re already interested in learning Japanese, or want to learn Japanese purely to play visual novels in their original language, both motivations are perfectly valid. Visual novels are a great way to learn Japanese, because you get exposure to both the written and spoken language.

I've written a guide on how you can learn Japanese by playing visual novels with the help of a friend who made some suggestions to improve it, and it's available on our wiki, wiki.comfysnug.space. As with all pages on our wiki, it's licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0, meaning you're free to share, remix, and build on the content.

If you're interested in learning Japanese or have already begun, I hope you find this guide useful. It isn't meant to be a dedicated guide on learning Japanese, but there are some tools you might not know about that will make your life easier.

If you have any additions or corrections to offer for this guide, or are interested in working on our other pages, you can sign up for the wiki here. You'll need to contact Neo on Matrix for a password as emails aren't setup yet (details on page).


I want something to say when my other language-learning friends talk about how hard/easy XYZ language is.

For example, for easy parts:

  • No genders
  • Easy vowels/consonants

For difficulties:

  • Kanji
  • Formality

Please help? Thanks!

Edit: summary of comments for my future reference:


  • no genders
  • resource rich for learning
  • simpler tenses

Easy and hard:

  • pronunciation (consistent, but accent hard to eliminate)
  • grammar (consistent but different)


  • Kanji (like icons)
  • formality

(Sorry if my english is wrong)

Hello, I have been learning japanese on my own for a few months now (Reading Genki, WaniKani, PDFs, etc) . My main goal for now is to reach a good level to use Visual novels (In japanese of course) with Yomichan + Textractor to learn new vocab.

I have been reading about this on the internet and many people says that Visual novels often lack normal vocab or they use unusual vocab.
Is there any Visual novel with formal vocabulary and that you would recommend?


submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

For durative verbs this is quite easy for me to grasp:

鳩が見る: I will see a dove
鳩が見ている: I am seeing a dove
鳩が見た: I saw a dove
鳩が見ていた: I had been seeing a dove

But for perfective verbs — it is quite hard for me:
杪冬の前に雪が溶ける: Before the end of winter the snow will melt
杪冬の前に雪が溶けている: Before the end of winter the snow will already be molten
杪冬の前に雪が溶けた: Before the end of winter the snow melted
杪冬の前に雪が溶けていた: Before the end of winter the snow had already been molten

In both of the last cases before winter began the snow is already in a state of being molten as a result of the melting being complete. So I often make mistakes differentiating the last two cases and treating them as the same even though I consciously know the ~た emphasizes the action being completed and the ~ていた emphasizes the state change being already completed. Maybe someone can help?

ナース (sh.itjust.works)
submitted 2 years ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

In language school, our Japanese teacher told us that in Japanese writing, the type of stroke that you use is important. When learning Kana or Kanji, we should always take special note of Tome, Harai and Hane.

By now, I am wondering, how important that really is. Are there Kanji that you can only differentiate by the type of stroke? I imagine that it might be important when writing by hand, just because it will look strange.

For those who don't know about the different types of lines, this page explains it quite well.


I recently bought a suit to go to a friend's wedding.

New vocab:

  • 生地 cloth, fabric
  • 生地感 texture of fabric
  • 縮める bring in the sides/waist/legs
  • 仕立て tailoring, fitting
  • 直線的 linear
  • 曲線的 curved (style for broad-shouldered as opposed to 直線的 for skinny guys)
  • 既製 off-the-shelf, ready-to-wear (as opposed to パターンオーダー)
  • お渡し ready, done

What new vocab have you learned in-context recently?




「水面」と書いて「すいめん」と「みなも」。また、「最中」と書いて「さいちゅう」と「もなか」。 漢字の中には、こんなふうにまったく同じ漢字なのに二つの読み方をするものが少なくありません。 そこでこの記事では、上記のように“二つの読み方がある漢字”をピックアップしてご紹介。あなたはいくつ読めるでしょうか?

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