If you have an amazon.jp account, you can also buy Japanese books for the kindle for a pretty low price. Though obviously Kindle books aren't something you really own, so I prefer them for stuff I'm okay eventually losing.
And also Twitter is by far the biggest social network in Japan. There's no chance at all.
It also wasn't an issue with the GB and DS lines, and the Switch notoriously follows the handheld pattern quite closely, so I don't think this will be an issue.
We do that in Spanish all the time, with the caveat that our verbs already change depending on who performs them, rendering pronouns completely redundant a lot of the time
I wouldn't be opposed to very strict regulations for micro transactions tbh. Treat them like gambling and get them as far away from gaming as possible
For many Americans, perhaps this shows just how big Africa is, but conversely I feel that I had never expected Texas to be that big tbh
Bizarre and yet not very surprised. There's all sorts of funny English used everywhere in Shanghai
I'm feeling agoraphobic just browsing through these pictures.
That it's pretty miserable. But it's really good.
Oh no, it's in Marooner's Bay
That doesn't mean we need to discuss it everywhere, all the time. For starters, not everyone is American and wants to see American centric discussions everywhere, and also, not all discussions everywhere need to start revolving around modern politics. Creating apolitical spaces doesn't mean being an apolitical individual. Just wanting to look for more peaceful alternatives.
I'm perfectly fine with being called worthless if you can't see the logic behind that, I legitimately don't give a shit as long as I can get a break from the insane and miserable shit throwing that is online political discourse.
If you like feeling miserable and angry every time you go online, great for you, but I'd much rather have an option not to do that.
It's part of a more anti-intellectual movement in the United States, where the arts and humanities are frequently dismissed as "useless" because these people fail to understand that introspection, the creation of culture and the understanding of ourselves is in itself just as fundamental to human happiness and a fulfilling existence as the economy they're so hellbent on defending.