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The original was posted on /r/pathofexile by /u/pathofnomad on 2025-01-02 21:41:08+00:00.
tl;dr - I made Chromatic because I wanted a local app experience that catered towards my own game knowledge and SSF gameplay (and because I didn't want to edit filters manually). It tries to enhance the native experience of editing raw filter text files by exposing and categorizing the game's data and providing an interface that mentally aligns with how the filter files are parsed by the game.
I'm putting it into a pre-release / beta state to gather feedback. It is not feature complete yet but I think it's in a usable enough state that could benefit the community right now.
Here's a showcase of what the editing experience looks like using the desktop version:
How is it different from FilterBlade?
FilterBlade is an awesome tool that I've personally used for around 4 years and for many, especially those in trade leagues and people that don't have hundreds of hours in PoE, I couldn't recommend it enough. The original idea for Chromatic actually incepted when I pivoted towards SSF and wanted a filter tool that I could use locally (to avoid the rate limiting issues when making changes with GGG's APIs) to track unique completion and all the other random stuff you want to track in SSF.
I would say that Chromatic is non-opinionated in comparison to FilterBlade. When you create a filter it's a blank slate, there's no pre-built rules, trade/price tiering, etc. It's much more akin to editing text files with a smarter way to fill in fields.
What does it do?
- Create rules that can have conditions added and edited
- Hierarchy item picker that can choose items by category, name, etc. to apply to the rule
- Drag sorting for rules. PoE parses filter files from top to bottom, where the first rule that applies to an item is chosen for its display in-game and all subsequent rules are ignored. Sorting stops you having to copy and paste sections manually
- The desktop version automatically reloads your in-game filter
- Keybinds for things like undo/redo, disabling/enabling, save and export
- Disabling of items and rules so they can be ignored during export, but still exist in the file. This is to support having a filter where you can gradually turn off things you don't want to see anymore, but have the ability to re-enable them easily later
What features are planned?
A non-exhaustive list of things I would like to add...
- Full support for PoE 1
- Basic filter templates to help get people started
- A preview of a (1) random assortment of items and (2) a static list of all distinct items with the filter's rules applied to them to preview how the rules apply
- Dynamic rule that tracks uniques you have not acquired by querying your account's unique stash (similar to PoE Ladder's uniques, but able to apply to a filter rule when you reload it)
- Drop sound management UI (including custom sounds)
- Various ways to export, import and share filters (and parts of the filters, such as individual rules)
- Many general UI improvements e.g. duplicating rules, tooltips, text search/filtering
What's missing right now?
The only major thing that's missing right now for PoE 2 is support for editing drop sounds. It's what I am working on right now.
It's worth stating again, it is in beta and there likely could be bugs. I'm playing through the game again from scratch in SSF using this tool so will be fixing anything as I find or hear about it.
What don't you plan to support?
- Trade related heuristics e.g. tiering based on market price (FilterBlade is the tool you want for this)
- Backend services to sync data to GGG's APIs. I would prefer the experience be entirely on the user's device or browser. I may pivot on this but it's how I feel about it right now.
Can I trust it?
The code is fully open source (you can build it yourself if you like!) and the desktop and web version are built and made available via GitHub. I like open source for these reasons as it's provably trustable with zero shady business happening internally.
How can I try it?
Downloads for the desktop version and links to the web version are available on GitHub.
If you are lazy and just want to look, here's a link to the web version.
What do you get out of this?
A tool that I can use for my own gameplay!
Jokes aside, I'm a software engineer by trade. Part of my motivation for creating Chromatic was to get some experience with Tauri(the framework powering the desktop version). Also, like all other creatives, I obviously like people enjoying my work.
Worth stating that I have zero plans for any kind of monetization and don't foresee anything in the immediate future as the project currently costs zero dollars to run.
How can I provide feedback?
Look in the GitHub issues to see if someone has already mentioned your issue and if not, create one and we can chat. If you like the project a star on GitHub is always appreciated.