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Hey everyone, I’m looking for some cool romhacks and I figured this community might have some recommendations. I mostly play on GBA but we don't have to limit discussion to that platform.

I have recently started Pokemon Unbound after finishing sapphire and it’s crazy what people are able to do on the GBA. I have heard of people making events for games like emerald using the E-reader but I haven’t tried those out yet. Have you played any romhacks, and if you have, which ones do you think are fun?


Do you think that Onix has rizz? I just finished a stream where pretty much everybody agreed that Onix does not have rizz. I wanted this community’s take on the question though.

I feel like Onix definitely has rizz. It is pretty strong early on and I’m never upset to see it in the wild. It stomps charmander in the gen 1 games in the first gym, so in a way it has to get some points for that.

I’m still new to this platform so if there is a better place for me to ask this type of question please let me know. Thank you!


Finally its happening


I'm at the Elite Four, but my team is horribly underleveled. I don't know how I was allowed to get this far with a team that's so underprepared, but here I am.

Right now, all I can see is literally grinding wild Pokemon in Victory Road. Is there a better way?


ETBs has seen a huge price hike here in Europe/Denmark with the release of Prismatic Evolutions - from 500DKK/ETB to 800DKK/ETB. Does anyone know if it reflects a new, higher MRSP or if it's just the hype train running off the rails? I'd like the Eevee promo card, but at this rate I'll just be getting it as a a single.


At least the Articuno looks good, probably just stick to getting singles for this set until Team Rocket comes out later this year. What's your chase?


I can't find that specific opening, I found the first 2 but I can't find the 3rd one. Does anyone know where can I find it?


Made this after losing my Battle Tree win streak for the third time due to Sina's Drampa getting multiple QC procs :))))))))))))))) seriously dude, FUCK quick claw.


cross-posted from: https://lemm.ee/post/49536096


Make Your Mark in Paldea with the Metalsmith Pokémon!

Get ready to bring down the hammer! From Friday, November 29, 2024, at 00:00 UTC to Thursday, December 5, 2024, at 23:59 UTC, mass outbreaks of Tinkatink will be appearing throughout the Paldea region.

Pokémon encountered in these special mass outbreaks are more likely to have the Ferocious Mark, so have fun searching for rampaging Tinkatink!

Event Schedule
Friday, November 29, 2024, at 00:00 UTC to Thursday, December 5, 2024, at 23:59 UTC

Featured Pokémon



Catch Raid-Worthy Pokémon to Prepare for Shiny Rayquaza’s Arrival!

From Friday, November 29, 2024, at 00:00 UTC to Thursday, December 5, 2024, at 23:59 UTC, Corviknight and Bellibolt will be appearing more frequently in 5-star Tera Raid Battles.

These Pokémon will have various Tera Types and are popular choices for Tera Raid Battles, so prepare wisely and get ready to raid when Shiny Rayquaza appears on Friday, December 20!

Event Schedule
Friday, November 29, 2024, at 00:00 UTC to Thursday, December 5, 2024, at 23:59 UTC

Featured Pokémon
5-star Tera Raid Battles: Corviknight and Bellibolt


Get Ready for a Series of Events Featuring Special Tera Raid Battles and Mass Outbreaks! Shiny Rayquaza will be appearing in a special Tera Raid Battle event! And that’s not all—mass outbreak events and other Tera Raid Battle events will occur both before and during Shiny Rayquaza’s Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet debut. Get an overview of this special event series below.

Shiny Rayquaza Appears in the Paldea Region! From Friday, December 20, 2024, at 00:00 UTC to Sunday, January 5, 2025, at 23:59 UTC, Shiny Rayquaza will be appearing in 5-star Tera Raid Battles! The Rayquaza appearing during this event has Dragon as its Tera Type.

Shiny Rayquaza cannot normally be encountered during regular gameplay, so don’t miss your chance to welcome this Legendary Pokémon into your adventuring party!

The Shiny Rayquaza appearing in this event can be caught only once per save data. As long as the event is running, you can still participate in Tera Raid Battles against this Rayquaza to obtain other rewards if you’ve already caught it.

Shiny Rayquaza may be featured in future events or become obtainable through other methods.

Event Schedule
Friday, December 20, 2024, at 00:00 UTC to Sunday, January 5, 2025, at 23:59 UTC

Featured Pokémon
5-star Tera Raid Battles: Shiny Rayquaza

Look for Other Black-Colored Shiny Pokémon in Mass Outbreaks!
During Shiny Rayquaza’s appearance from Friday, December 20, 2024, at 00:00 UTC to Sunday, January 5, 2025, at 23:59 UTC, mass outbreaks of Cetoddle will be appearing throughout the Paldea region, mass outbreaks of Carbink will be appearing throughout the land of Kitakami, and mass outbreaks of Fraxure will be appearing throughout the Terarium at Blueberry Academy.

Shiny Cetoddle, Shiny Carbink, and Shiny Fraxure are more likely to appear in these special mass outbreaks, so have fun seeking out Pokémon that have black coloration when Shiny!

Prepare for Shiny Rayquaza with Tera Raid Battle and Mass Outbreak Events!
From Friday, November 29, 2024, at 00:00 UTC to Thursday, December 19, 2024, at 23:59 UTC, a three-part series of Tera Raid Battle and mass outbreak events will be held leading up to the appearance of Shiny Rayquaza.

Challenge Raid-Worthy Pokémon in Tera Raid Battles!
Leading up to Shiny Rayquaza’s appearance, a variety of Pokémon that are popular choices for Tera Raid Battles will be appearing more frequently in 5-star Tera Raid Battles. These Pokémon will have various Tera Types, so prepare wisely and get ready to raid!

Tera Raid Battles Part 1
Event Schedule: Friday, November 29, 2024, at 00:00 UTC to Thursday, December 5, 2024, at 23:59 UTC

Featured Pokémon: Corviknight and Bellibolt

Tera Raid Battles Part 2
Event Schedule: Friday, December 6, 2024, at 00:00 UTC to Thursday, December 12, 2024, at 23:59 UTC

Featured Pokémon: Azumarill and Clodsire

Tera Raid Battles Part 3
Event Schedule: Friday, December 13, 2024, at 00:00 UTC to Thursday, December 19, 2024, at 23:59 UTC

Featured Pokémon: Annihilape and Kingambit

Look for Pokémon with Marks in Mass Outbreaks!
Leading up to Shiny Rayquaza’s appearance, Wooper, Girafarig, and Tinkatink will be appearing in mass outbreaks throughout various locations. Pokémon appearing in these special mass outbreaks are more likely to have a certain featured mark, so have fun befriending lots of Pokémon across the Paldea region, the land of Kitakami, and the Terarium at Blueberry Academy!

Mass Outbreaks Part 1
Event Schedule: Friday, November 29, 2024, at 00:00 UTC to Thursday, December 5, 2024, at 23:59 UTC

Featured Pokémon: Tinkatink

Location: Paldea

Featured Mark: Ferocious Mark

Mass Outbreaks Part 2
Event Schedule: Friday, December 6, 2024, at 00:00 UTC to Thursday, December 12, 2024, at 23:59 UTC

Featured Pokémon: Wooper

Location: Kitakami

Featured Mark: Absent-Minded Mark

Mass Outbreaks Part 3
Event Schedule: Friday, December 13, 2024, at 00:00 UTC to Thursday, December 19, 2024, at 23:59 UTC

Featured Pokémon: Girafarig

Location: Blueberry Academy

Featured Mark: Intellectual Mark

Level Up with Chansey in Mass Outbreaks!
Leading up to and continuing through Shiny Rayquaza’s appearance, Chansey will be appearing in mass outbreaks throughout the Paldea region. Defeating these Chansey will yield lots of Exp. Points, so use this opportunity to train up the Pokémon in your party!

Event Schedule: Friday, November 29, 2024, at 00:00 UTC to Sunday, January 5, 2025, at 23:59 UTC

Featured Pokémon: Chansey

Location: Paldea


I converted my speculative species into a thematically fitting normal/poison Pokemon.

Venom Bite is the only custom move.
Physical, poison, 120 power, 70% accuracy and 30% chance to poison the target.
It's supposed to be poison variant of the Gen 2 Thunder.

No actual rom hack was done. This was a cheeky video edit, but all of the stats, sprite and flavor texts are within the original game constraints. Gen 2 Pokemon have 10 character limit so "Maned dragon" had to be abbreviated.

I scaled the IVs and EVs referring to my L73 Vaporeon, so every stat should be plausible and moves in the video is what Manedragon would have in wild.
They're not optimized for anything.


No. ???
Type / Normal Poison
HT 3'11"
WT 99.2lb

Stat Value
HP 85
Attack 110
Defense 70
Special Attack 80
Special Defense 85
Speed 105
Total 535

Flavor texts:

It prefers to hunt
alone and is ready
to strike with its
venom. Yet it
forms unique bonds
with its own kind.


Its venomous bite
can defeat larger
prey than itself.
Despite its name
and looks it's not
a true dragon.

Rest of the Manedragon movepool, stats and details

Based on speculative species Maned dragon

Cry editor Github

56x56 Sprite

Prepare to Face a Mighty Torterra! (S/V) (resource.pokemon-home.com)
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Catch a Torterra with the Mightiest Mark! Torterra will be appearing at black Tera Raid crystals from Friday, November 15, 2024, at 00:00 UTC to Sunday, November 17, 2024, at 23:59 UTC, then again from Friday, November 22, 2024, at 00:00 UTC to Sunday, November 24, 2024, at 23:59 UTC.

The Torterra appearing during this event has Ground as its Tera Type. Be prepared—this Pokémon is a formidable foe, and it’s got the Mightiest Mark to prove it! Work together with your friends to topple this powerful Tera Pokémon!

During the latter half of this event—from Friday, November 22, 2024, at 00:00 UTC to Sunday, November 24, 2024, at 23:59 UTC—Blissey will be appearing more frequently in 5-star Tera Raid Battles. These Blissey will have various Tera Types, so prepare wisely before challenging them! Defeating Blissey will yield some delightful rewards, such as various Tera Shards and bonus Exp. Candies.

This special Torterra can be caught only once per save data. If you caught this Torterra previously during a Tera Raid Battle event, you cannot catch it again. You can still participate in Tera Raid Battles against this Torterra to obtain other rewards if you’ve already caught it.

This Torterra may be featured in future events or become obtainable through other methods.

Event Schedule
Friday, November 15, 2024, at 00:00 UTC to Sunday, November 17, 2024, at 23:59 UTC

Friday, November 22, 2024, at 00:00 UTC to Sunday, November 24, 2024, at 23:59 UTC

Torterra will have the same mark, Ability, and moves regardless of when it is caught during the event.

Featured Pokémon
7-star Tera Raid Battles: Torterra with the Mightiest Mark

5-star Tera Raid Battles: Blissey (Friday, November 22, 2024, at 00:00 UTC to Sunday, November 24, 2024, at 23:59 UTC)


Has anyone managed to get a Lapras ex from the event? I'm currently at 6 Butterfree, 4 Pikachu, 10 Clefairy, and 5 Mankey, but no Lapras. I'm wondering if it's even possible or if I'm just really unlucky. What has your experience been?


So, I'm at gym 7 the phsycic pair. Have no idea how to deal with them. Particularly the claydol. Any tips?


First Up: Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet!

You can now receive special Pokémon as Mystery Gifts for completing game Pokédexes in the mobile device version of Pokémon HOME!

The first featured games are Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet! If you complete your Paldea Pokédex, Kitakami Pokédex, and Blueberry Pokédex, you’ll receive a Shiny Meloetta.

• Mystery Gifts is a feature only available on the mobile device (iOS/Android) version of Pokémon HOME. • In order to use the Mystery Gifts feature, you must have a linked Nintendo Account. • You will only be able to receive each Mystery Gift once per Nintendo Account. • Certain features may be unavailable depending on your device or OS version.

Conditions for receiving this gift • Complete your Paldea Pokédex, Kitakami Pokédex, and Blueberry Pokédex, then confirm your completion in the Games tab of Pokémon HOME. If you have already completed these Pokédexes, you are still eligible to receive this Mystery Gift.

We plan to add more Mystery Gifts for completing other game Pokédexes in the future. We hope you’ll enjoy them!


Catch a Feraligatr with the Mightiest Mark!

Feraligatr is appearing in black crystal Tera Raid Battles! You can try catching Feraligatr from Friday, November 1, 2024, at 00:00 UTC to Sunday, November 3, 2024, at 23:59 UTC, then again from Friday, November 8, 2024, at 00:00 UTC to Sunday, November 10, 2024, at 23:59 UTC.

The Feraligatr appearing during this event has Dark as its Tera Type. Be prepared—this Pokémon is a formidable foe, and it’s got the Mightiest Mark to prove it! Work together with your friends to topple this powerful Tera Pokémon!

This special Feraligatr can be caught only once per save data. If you caught this Feraligatr previously during a Tera Raid Battle event, you cannot catch it again. You can still participate in Tera Raid Battles against this Feraligatr to obtain other rewards if you’ve already caught it.

This Feraligatr may be featured in future events or become obtainable through other methods.

Event Schedule
Friday, November 1, 2024, at 00:00 UTC to Sunday, November 3, 2024, at 23:59 UTC

Friday, November 8, 2024, at 00:00 UTC to Sunday, November 10, 2024, at 23:59 UTC

Feraligatr will have the same mark, Ability, and moves regardless of when it is caught during the event.

Featured Pokémon
7-star Tera Raid Battles: Feraligatr with the Mightiest Mark


Give him some candy or he'll eat your dreams tonight!


Hi everyone, I've been trying the new app for the TCG and so far it's been quite a nice experience. Obviously the predatory mechanisms that were obvious to be present are quite hard to ignore, and the slight dumbing down of an (already way too) easy battle system surely makes challenges a bit more frustrating in that they get quite simple to read. However, the UX Is slick as hell and the way packets are opened really makes you feel all of that sweet dopamine hit you get from the real thing. Have you had any way to try It as well? What do you think about It?


Ghost Types Gather for a Ghoulishly Good Time!

It’s time for some fa-boo-lous festivities! Until Thursday, October 31, 2024, at 23:59 UTC, mass outbreaks of Gastly, Misdreavus, Shuppet, and Bramblin will be appearing throughout the Paldea region.

Pokémon encountered in these special mass outbreaks are more likely to have the Crafty Mark, so have fun catching these opportunistic Ghost types on the prowl for tricks and treats!

Event Schedule
Monday, October 28, 2024, at 00:00 UTC to Thursday, October 31, 2024, at 23:59 UTC

Featured Pokémon
Gastly, Misdreavus, Shuppet, and Bramblin

Location Paldea

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