Shell Scripting

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From Ash, Bash and Csh to Xonsh, Ysh and Zsh; all shell languages are welcome here!

  1. Follow Lemmy rules!
  2. Posts must relate to shell scripting. (See bottom of sidebar for more information.)
  3. Only make helpful replies to questions. This is not the place for low effort joke answers.
  4. No discussion about piracy or hacking.
  5. If you find a solution to your problem by other means, please take your time to write down the steps you used to solve your problem in the original post. You can potentially help others having the same problem!
  6. These rules will change as the community grows.

Keep posts about shell scripting! Here are some guidelines to help:

In general, if your submission text is primarily shell code, then it is welcome here!

founded 2 years ago

This is not my work, but the author (same author as zsh-abbr) posted it elsewhere and it looks good to me.

In his words:

What is zsh-test-runner? A simple testing framework for zsh, and to a degree —thanks to zsh's emulation of other shells— csh, ksh, and sh.

The immediately noticeable difference between zsh-test-runner and other shell script unit test frameworks is it doesn't have a DSL. zsh-test-runner relies entirely on the shell's own testing. For those familiar with other frameworks: nothing like ShellSpec's Describe … When call … The output should, or shUnit2's assertEquals, or ZUnit's assert; zsh-test-runner is closer to Bats if you were to restrict yourself to core and not use helper libraries (there's nothing like bats-assert's assertEquals or bats-file's assert_dir_exists).

Why no special syntax? It means there's little new to learn— For example, if you know how to test numeric equality in your shell, you know how to test equality in zsh-test-runner; if you don't, there are community resources available. It means every possible test is supported equally out of the box— zsh-test-runner is a newcomer, but there are no "shoot my assertion method isn't supported" blockers. It means the cost of porting homegrow framework-less tests to zsh-test-runner is about as low as can be— generally speaking, my_cool_test_code becomes ztr test 'my_cool_test_code'. It means tests can live comfortably in one LOC, making zsh-test-runner pleasant to use in the terminal.


It contains some breaking changes.


Check out the newest version of everyone's favorite^[citation needed] command line json processing tool!

Highlights include significant speed improvements (>10x on some of my workloads), new flags, new builtins, and a litany of bugfixes.


Hello everyone. I wrote this command in the terminal directly and got the desired and expected output - that being the last 50 occurrences of me installing or removing a package with pacman or yay: history | grep -e 'pacman -S\s' -e 'pacman -R\s' -e 'yay -S\s' -e 'yay -R\s' | tail -n 50 > ~/history_installed

I now want to make this runnable as a script for obvious reasons, but when add it to a script and run it I get the following error: /home/user/.bin/ no such event: 1

Here is my entire script:


{history | grep -e 'pacman -S\s' -e 'pacman -R\s' -e 'yay -S\s' -e 'yay -R\s' | tail -n 50} > ~/history_installed

Note: /home/user/.bin is in my path. Verified by successfully running another script in there from a different location.

Please help me figure this out if you could. I am running zsh with oh-my-zsh. Thanks in advance!


cross-posted from:

link-batch is a minimalist script that generate symlinks from a list in a text file. Usage :

link-batch.zsh link-list.txt

where link-list.txt contains two columns : the first one for the links and the second one for the targets. Example :

~/.config/kitty	~/myfiles/config/kitty
~/.config/nvim	~/myfiles/config/neovim
~/.config/MuseScore	~/myfiles/config/MuseScore/$HOST

The two columns must be separated by a tab.

Shell vars like $HOME or $HOST are evaluated to their values.

Can be used to quickly deploy all home links in a fresh box.


This is working just fine, but it's not finished. However I am not interested in working on it anymore.


I'm sure some of you have absolute monstrosities of sigils (I know I do, in my .zshrc alone). Post them without context, and try and guess what other users's lines are. If you want to provide context or guess, use the markdown editor to spoiler-tag your guesses and explanations!


i'm pretty new to the shell scripting world and not sure, if i should give my scripts a .sh or .bash extension.

not sure what the pros and cons are.


I came across this pure sh bible when browsing HN. Now I’d like to know if there is any introduction to pure “sh” scripting. It would be nice if it’s something downloadable as epub.


This came out of playing around with curl and the Lemmy API. I wanted a repeatable way to declare a bunch of shell parameters from a json object, so I wrote a jq module! Take a look at the README for examples, or once you install, run

source <( curl '' | jq -r 'import "shell" as shell; .community_view | shell::param' )

Currently this project only provides a param function, and only supports Bash and Zsh. If I think of other useful helper functions, I may add them to the project.

This uses _ as a default prefix for each parameter. This is so things like {"PATH": "..."} generate typeset _PATH='...' and don't mangle your $PATH, for example. The prefix can be customized by passing in a string: param("mypfx").

Before declaring a 1.0, I'm planning on expanding shell support, and have the function determine how to output using the the $SHELL parameter:

# This does not work (yet!)
eval (curl $URL | jq -r '
  import "shell" as shell;
  "fish" as $SHELL |
  .community_view | param

Always up for feedback!


I found this post really helpful to anyone who is using tmux


YSH, or the shell formally known as oil, is touted as a possible upgrade path from Bash.

This is the first in a three-part series of posts re-introducing the language.

  1. Reviewing YSH
  2. Sketches of YSH Features (you are here)
  3. YSH, Narrow Waists, and Perlis-Thompson Problems (Not yet released)
[ysh] (1/3) Reviewing YSH (
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

YSH, or the shell formally known as oil, is touted as a possible upgrade path from Bash.

This is the first in a three-part series of posts re-introducing the language.

  1. Reviewing YSH (you are here)
  2. Sketches of YSH Features
  3. YSH, Narrow Waists, and Perlis-Thompson Problems (Not yet released)

Feedback is still welcome, either here or as Merge Requests to my Gitlab Pages repo.