What are programming socks?
Good point(s). Maybe it's because I'm neck deep in Assembly and I'm finally really understanding what is happening when I create a program. It's so much work and I've spent so much money to have a long-term career that is actually challenging and interesting to me.
I can see the merit in treating AI as another tool in the box.
So, I'm a CS student right now. Should graduate with a BS in May 2025. I'm thinking that I should push forward for a grad degree because I don't want to become a human prompt generator.
This is my favorite place on the internet.
Now that you pointed it out I can't unsee it.
I'll do /c/commandline
if you need someone.
It's wonderful to see you here!
Thank you! I'm very much into personalizing my tools. I've spent an embarrassing amount of time playing with Linux. I started to write my own configuration, but I quickly became lost in the lists of options. I wasn't sure what was really necessary or which plugin was doing what.
Thank you for all the hard work!
I would love to have a game night! There is a dev I follow on Twitch who occasionally does a community event at https://www.codingame.com/multiplayer/clashofcode
Everyone plays the game in whatever language they like and he critiques your code if you want him to. It's so much fun! More than that, it's a great way to learn while being social. We could do events in Discord with groups in a voice channel.
Thank you!