Star Citizen

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This is your community for everything related to Star Citizen - an up and coming epic space sim MMO being developed by Chris Roberts and Cloud Imperium Games.


  1. Submitted content must be related to Star Citizen. All c/starcitizen content must be related to Star Citizen. Content with an indirect relationship ust be a text/self post and must attempt to provide meaningful discussion of Star Citizen.

  2. Be respectful. No personal insults/bashing. Don't be a dick. Treat others with respect and refrain from name calling/insults.

  3. Follow all specific posting restrictions:

  1. No AI generated content. AI generated images or chatGPT text content will be removed as "low effort" content. Please do not post AI generated content on this community.

This is an unofficial Star Citizen fansite, not affiliated with the Cloud Imperium group of companies. All content on this site not authored by its host or users are property of their respective owners.

The official Star Citizen website may be found at

founded 2 years ago
submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 18 hours ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Proposed Rule Changes

Hey everyone, I'm looking to simplify the rules (cut out a lot of the redundant text), allow for additional content (like users promoting their own recruitment videos, etc), and clarify anything that needs clarification.

Let me know what you think. I'll leave this post up for at least a week for some discussion/revisions before actually updating the rules.

Proposed text to be removed is ~~striked out~~.
Proposed additions are in bold.
Altered text is italicized.
Inline comments are in code blocks

Other comments are quotes


  1. ~~Submitted content must be related to Star Citizen.~~ ’redundant with the next sentence All c/starcitizen content must be related to Star Citizen. Content with an indirect relationship ~~must be a text/self post and~~ must attempt to provide meaningful discussion of Star Citizen.

I don't see why content with an indirect relationship needs to be limited to a text/self post, if anyone sees a good reason for this we can leave it in. If it becomes a problem in the future we can always add it back in.

  1. Be respectful. No personal insults/bashing. Don’t be a dick. ~~Treat others with respect~~ ’redundant text, falls under "Be respectful" ~~and refrain from name calling/insults.~~ ’redundant, falls under "No personal insults/bashing"

  2. Follow these posting restrictions:

  • No Grey Market Trading
    • Trading items using in-game currency is fine, but no trading hangar items (ships, game packages, etc.) using real world currency.

    clarifying this rule.

  • ~~No recruitment posts~~

Not enough content here for this to be a problem, we can always place frequency limits, only allow it on weekends, or create a new community for it.`

  • No blog spam, stream spam, or re-hosted content
    • Posting your own content is welcome, the frequency of posting should not be excessive

clarifying this rule.

  • ~~Memes (and similar content) must feature content directly related to Star Citizen~~

falls under Rule 1.

  • No Cheat Accusations
    • Posting about someone cheating is okay as long as any identifying information or username is removed/obscured.
  • No ~~Cheat Linking~~ links to or advertisement of cheat products.

clarifying this rule

  • Do not post or advertise your Referral Code for Star Citizen. Use the referral code randomizer (link).

There are a few options here. The current link leads to: but we can also link to I'm fine with leaving it as is, having multiple options, or changing it. I'm just curious if the community has an opinion one way or another.

  • ~~No Cryptocurrency/NFT discussion.~~

redundant rule, falls under rule 1.

  • ~~Don’t intentionally be disruptive.~~

redundant rule, falls under Rule 1.
- When posting video links, please include a short description in the post, titles aren't always descriptive enough

  1. ~~No AI generated content. AI generated images or chatGPT text content will be removed as “low effort” content. Please do not post AI generated content on this community.~~

Not enough content here for this to be a problem, we can always reinstate this rule, or limit it to only be allowed on specific days.


Jared gives us an inside look at the motion capture studio that CIG has set up in Manchester.


Switched to "Released" for 4.0:

  • Supply or Die

Switched to "Committed" for 4.1:

  • Mission Giver - Wikelo
  • Mission Giver Location - Wikelo's Emporium
  • Sandbox activity - Align and Mine
  • VOLT AR "Parallax"
  • Hathor Ground Alignment Stations
  • Hathor Mining Station

Changes to 1.0 view:

  • IFCS and Control Surfaces (updated name and description)
  • Quantum Travel (updated name and description)
  • Realistic Audio Mode (added)

Ray starts off talking about T0 item recovery, then goes into Zerg Tactic issues (I'm assuming this is referring to your ability to respawn quickly with all your gear and get back into the fight quickly). He covers the new Banu mission giver, Wikelo. And finishes off discussing the new Hathor Derlict/mining area.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Guide for the new orbital laser platforms in 4.1

MrKraken will continue to update the guide here with the latest information:

Edit: typo


For those who want a quicker video, theNOOBIFIER1337 has a 4 min recap here:



🍂(Waka's Day) We have a new 4.1 PTU build cooking for a potential release to Evocati later today. Goal is to start opening the build up to further waves as early as tonight after some time with Evo.

I'm not sure if this will include T0 item recovery, but we'll see.


Patch notes here:

They won't be opening it up to other waves tonight. Item recovery is not enabled yet.


Hello everyone,

As we prepare for the Evocati Test Phase of our upcoming Alpha 4.1 patch, we'd like to introduce the iterative release plan for Item Recovery—a long-awaited system that gives players more control over reclaiming their valuable gear after death.

At CitizenCon 2954, we shared our long-term design for crafting, insurance, and item/ship recovery. If you need a refresher, both presentations are available on YouTube and will be a helpful watch before diving into this post:

Today, we want to provide a more detailed breakdown of some of the iterative releases that will start to bring these plans to life.

The initial T0 rollout will be fairly basic compared to the full system, but it marks a crucial first step. As we shared at CitizenCon, the complete Item Recovery system will be far more robust and nuanced, making gear management a core gameplay element. You'll be able to secure the items that matter most while still allowing room for piracy and emergent gameplay.

First Step: T0 Implementation

With the initial rollout of Item Recovery in Alpha 4.1 (internally referred to as T0), you will respawn with the exact gear you had equipped at the time of death. Emphasis on the term "equipped", as this is different than what you may have had in your inventory. This includes equipped weapons, armor, magazines, and medpens, ensuring that your core loadout is retained. However, items stored in your inventory, such as your backpack or other containers, will remain on your corpse, making them available for looting or retrieval.

While equipped items will also remain on your corpse too, they will not be interactable, preventing item duplication while still preserving the visual state of your character at the time of death. This approach helps mitigate item duplication issues in the initial implementation while laying the groundwork for future expansions of the system in T1 and T2, which you can read more about below.

Important Notes:

  • Items stored in your inventory (example: items in your backpack) will not be protected and will remain on your corpse upon death, available to be looted/stolen by other players, or retrieved by you.
  • Items such as magazines and medpens that you have equipped can still be looted from your corpse. However, you will also respawn with these items, as duplication concerns for these types of consumable are less concerning at this stage.
  • T0 Item Recovery applies to all forms of respawning, whether in a medbed on a ship or at your assigned landing zone.
  • To ensure that your weapon in active use is secured as an "equipped" item, it will automatically be stowed to your holster upon death.
  • If you die within a Landing Zone, you will respawn with both your equipped gear and your inventory (Example: belongings in your backpack). This is to help avoid you losing items of any kind, should a death outside of your control happen.
  • With T0, you will respawn with your previously equipped gear already attached to your character.

Scenario Example: While exploring, you loot a rifle and store it in your backpack. If you die, that rifle will remain on your corpse, available for others to loot or for you to re-visit your corpse and retrieve. However, the original rifle you had equipped to your character (in-hand or holstered) at the time of death will be secured and respawn with you.

Looking Ahead: T1 & T2

While T0 lays the groundwork and provides some assurance that your equipped items are not lost, we are already actively developing T1 and T2 implementations. These future updates will add more depth to the system, including a viable path for piracy.

T1: Loadout & Ship Registration

T1 will introduce the ability to register your gear and ships at kiosks or ASOP terminals.

Important Notes:

  • Personal Loadout: Players can register their equipped items which can be reclaimed for a fee at specific kiosks or freight elevators.
  • Ships & Interiors: Ships, along with their loadouts, decorations, and locker contents, can also be registered. They can then be reclaimed in the state they were previously registered at ASOP terminals for a price.
  • Looting & “Bricked” Items: Once an item is looted, it remains usable until the original owner reclaims it or marks it as stolen. At that point, a Dead Man Switch is activated, meaning it will cease to function after a period of time.
  • While a looted and/or stolen “bricked” item is no longer usable, you can still sell the item for credits.
  • Pledge items are auto-registered and will never lose their registration status. They can always be claimed back, even if they were not manually registered.
  • With T1, you will no longer respawn with your preserved gear already equipped. You will need to visit a location, such as your freight elevator, to reclaim your registered items. We are developing a quality-of-life feature to allow you to re-equip your previous full loadout with one “auto equip” button at this location.

Additionally, with the implementation of T1, our current plan is to remove the ability to "backspace" out of dangerous scenarios as a way to retain gear.

T2: Restoring "Bricked" Items & Crafting Integration

T2 will introduce a way to restore previously "bricked" items for a price.

Important Notes:

  • Looting & “Bricked” Items: Once an item is looted, you will have the option to sell it, dismantle it for crafting materials, or restore it (with the potential cost of crafting materials and credits) to make it your own. This system creates a viable path for piracy, allowing you to claim another player’s belongings if you take the necessary steps to legitimize ownership.
  • If an item had a cosmetic applied, restoring it will remove the cosmetic in the process.

The introduction of Item Recovery is a significant step toward making gear persistence more meaningful while maintaining the risk-reward balance of looting. T0 in Alpha 4.1 is just the beginning, and as we further integrate into the broader crafting and insurance systems, we’ll be actively refining and updating with the help of your feedback throughout the PTU process and beyond.

We'll see you in the 'verse!


Looks like cookie jacker links are being thrown around a lot more often in Star Citizen Discord channels after the anticheat issue in Star Citizen started trending.


Archived source:



🍂(Monday) Goals for the Week

  • We are looking to continue to hotfix the 4.0.2 LIVE environment along with some commodity buy/sell price adjustments. Along with this maintenance window we are also updating all the shards to the latest hotfix and are looking to open up the HOTFIX channel later today with the client side portion of it which includes the client crash fixes
  • We are looking to start the 4.1 PTU phases in the next couple days with Evocati and will have more info on this when we are closer

PSA - If you encounter a player that's glitched out like this (they're usually in an executive hangar or CZ), one of the only ways to kill them is to use a melee takedown and then stomp on them.


Release Notes:

Known issues/things to avoid:

Fast storage and retrieval of ships breaks the hangar

Critical: PU - Locations - Personal Hangars - Actor - If player ungracefully exits while in hangar, hangar stows and does not unstow upon recovery

High: PU - Pyro - Jump Points - Locations / Spacescaping - Asteroids that surround the Stanton Gateway can be seen inside the Jump Tunnel and occasionally can cause fatal collisions when exiting the Jump Tunnel

Supply Or Die: Detatrine cargo that has already been destroyed will blow up again when you Quantum Travel, causing damage to your ship and other undamaged cargo. (Workaround: Remove dead cargo from ship before QT)

In other words, for that Hangar one, do NOT ALT+F4 while you are in your Hangar.


UPDATE: Zero downtime deployment going live in a few minutes:

4.0.2 LIVE Update time is scheduled for 20 minutes from now. This will be a zero downtime deployment!

MotD Update:

🍂(Friday) We are currently warming up the 4.0.2-LIVE environment for a potential LIVE release later today. No ETA just yet but will update when closer.


Video reviewing the recent Fight for Pyro event and the event going forward.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Currently planned:

  • New mission giver (redacted).
  • New armour set (redacted).
  • New space combat missions.
  • New sandbox activity (mix of on-foot exploration with aerial support)
  • New mission giver location (redacted).
  • Hathor ground alignment stations
  • Hathor mining station
  • New weapons:
    • VOLT AR "Parallax"
    • VOLT SMG "Quartz"

Additions to 1.0 column:

  • Control Surfaces
  • Quantum Boost
  • Item Misfire & Wear
  • Fire Hazard
  • Charge & Drain
  • Life Support
  • Engineering Gameplay
  • Solar Flare
  • Vehicle Radar & Scanning Rework
  • FPS Radar & Scanning
  • Hangar Upgrades
  • Weapon Overheat
  • Radiation
  • New Missions - Location Repair

Important: 1.0 additions are temporary, will be moved to point patches when they are ready for release.


MotD update:

🍂(Wednesday) We are currently working on a 4.0.2 RC2 Build for potential release onto PTU later today

RC2 = Release Candidate (2nd attempt)

Most likely you will need to finish up any Pyro Event missions in order to get the rewards before this version is released Live.


Hey everyone, I requested to become a moderator for this community since the old moderator didn't appear to be active anymore.

I'm looking to start up some events/contests/competitions. I'd like to offer occasional rewards like gear, gift cards, or game packages, however, certain countries have restrictions regarding this and I'm not experienced in handling that. Any suggestions here are welcome.

I'm also looking to clean up the rules, since a number of them seem redundant or may be too limiting for a community of this size, any feedback here would be great.

Also, I like the current banner/icon, but again, if anyone has suggestions we can put out some options to the community and see what everyone likes the most.

Any other suggestions are welcome, for instance, we can look at adding flairs in the community, although this may only work for certain clients.

Lastly, if anyone else wants to help moderate, feel free to ask below.


A very informative video on the story so far. I've been trying to follow along with the story myself, but TheAstroHistorian has done a great job about rounding up all of the most important info in this video.

He also proposes some interesting theories about the factions, and wraps up the video with some suggestions for how CIG could improve their storytelling in-game.


Another technique, that wasn't shown in this video, is to arm the bomb by dropping it first from the A2 and then catching it with a tractor beam.

The SRV would probably be best for this tactic, and you normally can't use bombs in space, but with this technique you can.


Source: Frank Guentzler - 3D Environment Artist at CIG.

Tap for additional photos

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