This Might Be Lemmy: They Might Be Giants (tmbg) Community

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A community for fans of the alternative rock band They Might Be Giants. Post about your favorite songs, discuss your concert experiences, yeat fanart here, etc.

The rules aren't too complex. Basically

  1. Don't break the rules of
  2. No hatred/bigotry. (Don't bring your racist friend)
  3. Keep it civil. (Don't challenge people to duels.)
  4. No NSFW stuff.
  5. No generative AI
  6. No advertising or spam.
  7. Have fun, because I like fun.

Cool TMBG Links

... More to come later.

founded 6 months ago

Decided to fix up Linnell's hair and give Flans a Chess Master.


Shut up and get with Garak, dude. (Also, a nod to the amusing show banter in the Live at the Music Hall of Williamsburg recording.)

I also posted this on the tmbw Discord.


I know it’s mostly Hearst doing the backing track, but man does it feel straight off State Songs.


What’s your preferred version of “Another First Kiss”?

Honestly, I feel like there is no real competition with Severe Tire Damage version - the Mink Car one is kind of weak. Still, thought I’d ask.


I’ve heard Linnell didn’t like it, and I think he’s wrong. 😂


Flans looks like the statue really did get him high in that last frame frame

If you want to buy the thing:


I have several that I've leaned towards over the years, but I recently added "Cyclops Rock" to my repertoire.


I wonder if it's just coincidence, if this inspired the Johns (I know they're Ramones fans, or if the two songs share a common ancestor.


What are your favorite songs off Factory Showroom? I personally enjoy:

  • Spiraling Shape
  • The Bells are Ringing
  • 'Til My Head Falls Off
  • Sing Like a Girl

Moral of the story: don't disregard the fire laws.


"Boss of Me" might be my favorite Flans song... besides "Put Your Hand Inside the Puppet Head"... and "Music Jail"... and "Let Me Tell You About My Operation"... and "If Day for Winnipeg". Nevermind. Please don't make me choose a favorite Flans song.


A challenge for everyone here: come up with one favorite inverted version of a TMBG song or album.

Mine: Short Short Business Week


I stumbled upon this the other day and was a bit surprised that someone else on this planet both knows what The Prisoner is and is a fan of TMBG.


I just love the vibes so much.

I don't know how I could have survived an age without the 1999 studio leaks.


Have any of you guys heard of the Blasting Company/Petrojvic Blasting Company before? I find them TMBG-like in the sense that they have often dark, bizarre lyrics and play with accordions and horns, albeit in more of a folk/swing revival-esque way.

For those who haven't heard the band, a good song to demonstrate what I'm talking about is "Princess Andy".

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

John Henry has its 30th birthday tomorrow!

What are your favorites off this album? Thoughts in general?

Personally, I think it’s a crime Mrs. Train and Welcome to the Jungle were excluded from the final album. Still waiting for Superfueld Freaksicle. 😉

Also, the TMBG merch shop’s having a sale, including a free download of the mastered demos and 20% off anything with the code TMBGWORLD, if anyone’s interested.

He is a real doctor (
submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Jury's still out about being a real worm, though.


I have several songs where I think they could have done better on the album version.

This includes a lot of Mink Car:

  • Bangs - Snapping Turtles had the more John-y lyrics in my opinion.
  • Man, It's So Loud in Here - The first demo just had more soul, in my opinion. I get they were going for Pet Shop Boys pastiche/parody, but I really liked the general 80s vibes of the original demo.
  • My Man - There's a demo that has some better compositional choices in my opinion.
  • Another First Kiss - I prefer the one from Severe Tire Damage by leaps and bounds.

Another addition is I like the Severe Tire Damage version of They Got Lost more than the Long Tall Weekend version.


I like both "Maine" and "Louisiana". "Maine" has John's classic unreliable, evil narrator, while "Louisiana" just feels like a fun take on a hostage situation.

"The Songs of the 50 States" is also dear in my heart as it gets gradually crazier.


Do you have TMBG songs that you like but don’t necessarily want on your everything playlist?

I’d say “Love is Eternity” off Venue Songs is one for me. I enjoy it but simultaneously find it a bit sappy. It also brings up difficult emotions since my grandmother died this May.


Surprisingly good quality for something from 80's cable TV.

In 2024 the first thing that struck me was that I can barely remember the last time I cared about what was in the mailbox.


Are there any songs that didn't get a music video that you guys think deserved one?

Personally, I think of "We Want a Rock" from Flood, "Thunderbird" from The Spine, and "Brontosaurus" from BOOK.

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