Even paining over 'constitution' near the guy's foot.
Not that it was ever really a priority, but at least they're not hiding themselves.
Even paining over 'constitution' near the guy's foot.
Not that it was ever really a priority, but at least they're not hiding themselves.
I'm sorry, 'anatomical amounts'? Did you mean astronomical, or are bodies now being used to measure stuff?
Well, beyond the usual feet/cubits/hogsheads.
Cruise time! It'll be a fun vacation. Probably safer and definitely more relaxed (no TSA or airport tension)
What a sensible, decimal system!
No, but their dedication to the program in spite of the current administration's preference clearly puts them apart from companies such as John Deere and Target.
In the same vein of those shampoos that always advertised 'no more tears'.
They would be, but the opinion of the common folk lend a lot to where a particular war goes. The United States are not as top-down as the administration and media would have you believe.
The Iraq war had a lot of initial support which dropped off quickly. This war? I don't even see it having that first push support.
I cannot imagine it sold well: I'd be nervous as all hell that the thing would collapse on me while in use.
Having no clue about the immigration policies of the UK, or the particulars of your job:
Do they require employment at a UK based company? Could something remote fill the gaps?
I hope it goes more smoothly for you, but let us know if you need anything.
Don't strain your eyes there, Legolas. That day is yet far off.
And in doing so, gain some understanding of the horror.
After that first hit of understanding, though, it's all over. Humans have a cultural if not innate tendancy towards curiosity. Even if it is ill-advised.
The MG42 is a Gothic barbarian weapon, legionnaire. Find yourself something proper.