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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/PaP3s on 2024-07-31 21:11:37+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/walkit_james_99 on 2024-07-31 01:48:07+00:00.

Please, even if you don't read this entirely, upvote this post for awareness.

This is a pleading from a colorblind person who has played this absolutely amazing and wonderful game for 8 years.

1/12 males (let's be real this is the majority of the population in this community) and 1/200 females have some type of color blindness/color deficiency. Please developers, do the right thing finally and make this beautiful game accessible to this population.

This amazing game has been out for 11 years, and after 11 years we still don't have the option to choose the colors of the players in the game.

This isn't a post criticizing the developers laziness, not at all, I believe that they think they have introduced tools to assist those who are colorblind. Now I don't speak for the entire colorblind population, but please allow me to debunk all of them from my perspective, a colorblind player of eight years:

  1. Q: "Why don't you just enable hero icons" A: When you enable hero icons the flaw is that you must distinguish between teammate and enemy by this teeeeny tiiinyy green or red border around the hero icon. The most common form of colorblindness is red-green colorblindness and in many cases, mine included, distinguishing between the two colors is incredibly difficult especially when the border is so damned small. Not to mention some hero icons are red or green which doesn't help the tiny border situation one bit. The 2nd part of this question asked is usually "well just remember all 10 heroes in the game and know", and my reply to that is no. I cannot after 8 years memorize within even the first 10 minutes which hero icons I need to remember as friendly. Maybe you can, even at 7.4k MMR and over 10,000 hours, I can't. Sorry. This is a distinct disadvantage for someone who is colorblind, having to associate a teammate/enemy by remembering which hero is on which team, it's simply another thought process added onto the many things going through a players mind in a Dota game that non-colorblind folk don't have to deal with. So, I play with hero icons off with alt-toggle icons that I've developed a habit of clicking probably >30 times per minute to know what is going on in the map because I can't associate the player colors with their hero. This whole alt-click ordeal is worsened if you play with alt-directional move, which I consider an absolute necessity - so I cant right click the ground and know the heroes on the map simultaneously.
  2. Q: "Why not use color filters, Windows and other programs have color filters that are made for the colorblind for this exact reason!" A: They do NOT work. These programs work by not magically fixing colorblindness but instead by applying a filter as the name suggests, it changes the color spectrum on the screen to a default static color spectrum that they assume will be effective for the majority of colorblind people. For example they allow me to distinguish colors on the red/green spectrum better, but they actually impair my blue/greys, and I have the exact same issue just on the other end of the color spectrum. I've talked to other colorblind folk who have also shared this issue with me, and I've not talked to anyone who has raved about color filters (maybe they're out there, I don't know).
  3. Q: "Why don't you just get Enchroma/Whatever brand glasses" A: 1. I shouldn't have to pay upwards of $500 on glasses (more than that because I wear prescription lenses) for a fix that is easily implemented by allowing us to change the colors of players in the game through the game-settings. 2. These glasses don't cure colorblindness, and they work at varying degrees depending on the individual, so it's not a solution for everybody.
  4. Q: "You can change the colors by using your Autoexec.cfg" A: As far as my understanding goes, this was removed in Source 2.0, the commands that once let us do this no longer work. Also, this is an absolutely dreadful process of sending these commands in until you find TEN colors that work well for you.
  5. Q: "You can use the simple-colors option though" A: Screw you dude. I would still have to spam alt-click hero icon toggle to see hero icons to know who is who; putting me at a distinct disadvantage from the non-colorblind.

There are probably more than this, but these are the ones I've heard over and over in the Dota 2 community for eight damned years.

The only other reason I can contemplate why the developers would be against this is that commonly people refer to teammates/enemies in-game by their color, but seriously, come on.. I've dealt with people calling me and calling teammates by some color that I can't even see and I don't know who they're referring to; let us deal with these consequences.

tl;dr I know the developers aren't lazy, they push out insane amounts of updates per year with absolutely insane amounts of changes, unlike any game I've ever played. They think they've implemented solutions that make the game accessible for the colorblind, but the reality is that they simply aren't effective. The solutions like alt-hero toggle are effective to a degree but leave the colorblind at a distinct disadvantage (why do I have to click alt to know which hero is which, and non-colorblind don't, in a game where literal milliseconds can determine so much.

Here is a quote from Wikipedia on the color blindness article on the digital design subsection that I fully agree with, "When possible (e.g. in simple video games or apps), allowing the user to choose their own colors is the most inclusive design practice."

Please upvote this post. I hope this reaches someone in a position that can make this happen. It's been eleven years.

Developers, please...

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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/xStiki on 2024-07-30 20:16:50+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/OpticCyan on 2024-07-30 19:34:07+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/Zeba_Stakian on 2024-07-30 18:27:24+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/Butter_bean123 on 2024-07-30 16:44:00+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/eirvin007 on 2024-07-30 16:39:43+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/SManSte on 2024-07-30 12:50:21+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/DaveyJones4901 on 2024-07-30 11:41:44+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/nObRaInAsH on 2024-07-30 09:45:28+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/ExternalImportance67 on 2024-07-30 08:05:40+00:00.

If you are looking to challenge yourself or expand your hero pool by playing some of the most mechanically challenging heroes of Dota 2, here’s what to watch out for!

Invoker - getting used to how your spells work at different orb levels. After you memorize how to evoke his spells and cast them, you will have to train in game how these spells function at different orb levels. A tornado with level 2 quas will not give you enough time to connect your combos from far away. If you are practicing invoker using a level 30 demo, that will only account for 10% or your game, or even less.

Meepo - effectively farming and pulling with your meepos. Individual meepos are strong and act just as any other hero. So it can also do hero stuff. Be sure to always know where your meepos are and where they are headed. Sometimes it’s better to not poof every meepo into a fight, leaving someone behind just in case things go bad, or to just farm.

Earth Spirit - where you place your remnant is very important. You can manipulate your roll with your stone placement. Do you want to delay your roll? Place the remnant at the end of ur roll. Your silence is the most important skill of your kit. A remnant can be cast anywhere and be pulled instantly.

IO - communication matters. This hero is probably the only hero that actually requires voice chat to effectively play with. Always ask the person you are tethering with, if they want to relocate into a fight, back to the fountain, or take some objective with you. Sometimes your teammate just need a few more seconds for their courier to deliver the bkb, or have used their skill to farm a creep wave. Always ask if your teammate is ready, and is aware of the situation.

Arc Warden - positioning. You can tune down the mechanics required to play this hero by buying right click items such as mkb, crit, or manta, but whichever build you do, positioning is very important. Arc does not have innate mobility skill, and most of the time you will just have a hurricane pike. As an arc, as long as you are not super broke, you will always be the main target, similar to playing sniper, only except your whole kit is not designed for 1v1, but 2v1. Do not panic if you are displaced and dragged away from your clone, most people panic and goes afk on their clone. Remember your clone is just another hero with the same ability and items, use that hurricane pike

Rubick - some spells are good, only with a certain build. You have to know which spells are the ones where you generally don’t want to cast. Constantly think about which spells are more important than others. It does not matter if it is an ultimate, steal what your team needs. Some of the best spells are fissure, ice path, astral prism, shackle. These spells all have a downside of cast time or range, but rubick does not suffer from them at all. If you have stolen a big ultimate such as RP, do not think of yourself as the initiator as you will most likely not survive if you do not get a 5 man RP. Use offensive spells defensively and defensive spells offensively. You also need a good understanding of the spells of every hero, so probably not a new player friendly hero.

Brewmaster - your wind panda is probably the most important panda. Remember, when you ult, forget about damage. It’s just crowd control and zoning. Similar to a pango ult, when you use primal split, you are trying to split the battlefield into two if possible, cutting the enemy supports away from their carries via tornado and the fire panda. If the enemy man fights your pandas, gtfo. The one thing brewmaster is scared of is probably a bkb carry who just demolish your pandas. Pull your earth panda to the side and send that ursa up the air once his bkb runs out. When he hit the ground it’s already the next game.

Hope that helps some of you get an idea of what to look out for when playing these heroes, or against them

Edit: Chen - although the hero isn’t as punishing as the other ones I mentioned in case of a fuck up, when playing this hero you need to utilize the ability of creeps and their hitpoints. Especially in the early game when the creeps are more vulnerable to aoe damage, you have to use the stomps and nets before they get killed. You also need a very good general understanding of the pace of the game you are in, know when your team is strong, know each power spike of your cores. Chen requires coordinated teamplay and relies on getting objectives. Don’t run around with 4 siege creeps

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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/AnomaLuna on 2024-07-30 06:50:43+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/categoryace926 on 2024-07-30 02:09:58+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/aroccarian on 2024-07-30 01:23:24+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/ShineSuccessful9132 on 2024-07-30 01:03:51+00:00.

Bro (
submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/Existing-Potato6649 on 2024-07-29 15:26:35+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/imjammed on 2024-07-29 11:58:06+00:00.

NIGMA takes the series 2-0. Going 2-0 in the group stages as well.

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