Can someone recommend an easy way to convert a PDF file into a quarter page booklet?
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I don't know about other browsers, but Firefox's print dialog offers the option to fit multiple pages onto a single sheet natively. You can just print to PDF (or paper directly) in that manner.
Do you plan on cutting up all your quarter sheets and rebinding them? Because if you are expecting to fold the printouts as-is and have the pages in the correct order, you'll need a slightly more clever solution.
Apropos of nothing, Inkscape (free, open source) does a very competent job these days of importing .pdf's, at which point you can scale, rearrange, or otherwise edit them however you see fit. This will be tedious, but will allow you to do basically anything you want with the content.
I am looking for the latter. It seems to be a common question but I can't really seem to find a one stop answer.
I feel like it will be a bit of a challenge to arrange around 100 pages to work with this
LibreOffice Writer (and Draw, which can load .pdfs) have the option to change the page order when you are printing multiple pages scaled onto one sheet. They also have a "brochure" print setting which automatically half sizes a document to fit four pages on one sheet, two on each side, correctly reordered for you to fold it in the middle. Would that work?