Crowd cheered as two transgender women were attacked in Minneapolis, advocates say
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Yeah I'll try that if I'm ever on the ground being beaten by five grown men... Walking away.
Obviously you de-escalate when the situation calls for de-escalation. In this case, it was probably a good idea to just ignore those guys from the get-go. But you know what? That's implying getting assaulted was the victims' fault.
All those women did was ask to not be spoken to the way they were, and the man's response to that was a sucker punch. That's not a situation you can de-escalate, he already assaulted her. Maybe it would have been wiser to run off and lawyer up. But quite frankly, I respect that she stood her ground and clocked him one back.
Those women were assaulted, and maybe I would have dealt with one jackass smacking me differently. But if I'm on the ground with five grown men beating me senseless, sorry not sorry but one of us is gonna be limping for the rest of their life after this and it's not gonna be me.
That's dismissing all the actions that led up to being beaten. Once the first punch is thrown, sure do whatever you can to defend yourself. Unless we get video of the incident, we probably won't know for sure what happened. But at least according to the article the victims "confronted" their harassers. I ride the MSP light rail everyday. Been harassed by, mostly mentally ill or drug addicted people, dozens of times. It sucks, but every time I keep my mouth shut and I walk away. One guy did try to punch me, but he missed and I was long gone before he had another chance. Don't "confront" these psychos if you're not ready for a fight.
See how ridiculous your argument sounds now?
No, not really. I don’t think the two situations are all that comparable.