Asahi Linux Lead Developer Hector Martin Steps Down As Upstream Apple Silicon Maintainer
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The explanation came out as aggressive in a way that antagonizes the Asahi maintainers.
Usually people who explain "woke" in such a manner seem to be the types who are actively hostile to LGBTQ+. There are a few LGBTQ+ people who do make it their entire identity instead of one facet of themselves and I understand how annoying that can be, but at this point I'm a lot less likely to believe "this is someone who turns 'How is the weather today?' with a stranger into a trans rights discussion" and more likely to believe "this person just hates trans people and is trying to frame the trans person poorly so I resent the trans person and not them."
Sounds like you've got 🎶 hangups🎶
Is this a meme or something?
No. I'm calling you out for having obvious prejudices that you don't seem to have acknowledged.
That group, as the title suggests, excludes trans people, like you did with your reference to "LGB".
That group is a hate group and you should be concerned if your opinion overlaps with theirs.