Western Society has forgotten that humans need nature to live. They chop down trees to create Amazon warehouses, Fast food that is not even suitable for human consumption, or mansions for the bourgeoisie and corrupt politicians. Even the lawns people have in front of their homes are viewed as antagonistic to society, and instead of allowing your lawns to grow as it naturally should, you are required to prevent any natural life from being formed in front of your home which is insane. Humanity has developed beliefs and attitudes that the planet is something that needs to be molded and changed to serve the interests of humanity. This is problematic but it is such an invisible ideology that reflects humanity assuming itself to lord over various things simply by default.
Despite all of the food we consume being dependent on the environment, you would never see this fact reflected in attitudes taken towards the environment. The environment is not only trees, but air quality, plastics being dumped into water until they form a new landmass of bottles, and the bleaching of coral reefs reflect other negative effects that human society has had on the planet. These are ultimately losses for humanity as well, despite the short term profits that the bourgeoisie has gotten from destroying the world.
Nature is beneficial to humanity, so any attempt to harm or destroy it should be seen as an aggressive, and baneful attempt to rob humanity of it. The environment is literally the source and sustenance of all life and we should all defend it or die trying. Humanity will eventually realize the value of the natural world, especially if it is destroyed and they all end up starving to death.