Was an ultra lifetime member, now using Lemmy full time. No longer using Reddit regularly, we need to make Lemmy succeed or we’ll always be at the mercy of these corporations.
Apollo - A beautiful app built for power and speed.
Since many of us are trying to avoid giving reddit any traffic, this space can be used to discuss Apollo, our dreams of seeing it join the Fediverse, and to give our appreciation to @[email protected] for his incredible work.
Have jumped to Lemmy
My tips:
Use a browser to signup, save password etc. it might be slow as they are under strain from all the incoming reddit people
Export your data from Apollo in .json and save to your phone
Install wefwef (likely to be renamed at some stage)
Import from Apollo export and match up communities.
You can also search by going to your browser and home instance and click in on communities and searching. Make sure you set the feed to ALL
EDIT: If you cant get to the export (not sure what's going on with that now), and you can get to a computer you can see what you where subscribed to with this:
Hopefully that helps somewhat.
Edit 2: If you are still trying to export from Apollo then start the app, click past the first screen and then shake the phone. You will get a menu to export.
This is the way.
I feel like I’m still on Apollo and completely forget that it’s not Reddit. Love it!
Same. Found it today and loving it so far. Just hoping there's more content getting shared soon and less posts about Reddit because it seems like that's the majority of the posts on here so far.
Trauma bonding lol; the reddit posts will slow down. Everyone's just venting and exploring right now, but it feels like a good majority of newcomers wanna stick with the fediverse
I don’t think it’s possible to export your json from Apollo anymore… 😞
It’s still possible to export your data from Apollo:
- Open Apollo
- Shake your phone to bring up a menu
- Tap Export Local Data
- Tap JSON
Helpful. Thank you. I’ll be sure to pass along to others as they ask. I was able to get mine before the shutdown.
I can’t get past a goodbye screen on Apollo, is there any way to get the .json or are we out of luck at this point?
I think someone ask Christian on Mastadon. I haven’t seen a reply yet.
1.15.11 works (settings/export). I haven’t had a chance to check the others across my devices.
- Open Apollo
- Shake your phone to bring up a menu
- Tap Export Local Data
- Tap JSON
Install wefwef (likely to be renamed at some stage)
Yep; it's named Voyager now. You can get it at https://vger.app
Epic domain name, too!
I was an early Ultra lifetime adopter plus many tips over time. No regrets. He was done dirty. I’m done with Reddit.
He would’ve probably have to limit access for lifetime users because it would come out of his pocket every month :(.
Knowing the way Christian is, he would probably do some perk to lifetime users for us to not feel so bad, but we would have to pay monthly too.
To be clear, I was willing to pay monthly because I knew that was gonna hurt him substantially. I just would’ve been bummed if it was some silly “here’s some exclusive app icons” type perk or a “here’s a exclusive theme” but I don’t know what else he could’ve done to offset that monthly price. Honestly a lifetime member is probably also a heavy API user so I doubt he could’ve done a much of a discount for them in retrospect.
Lifetime ultra here. Deleted my reddit account and not looking back. Content is good here, though I'm hopeful for increased activity on a few topics that are important to me.
Same here, deleted my 13 years of comments and posts on the way out.
I’ll browse reddit in an adblocked browser with Sink it for Reddit (https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/sink-it-for-reddit/id6449873635) installed if I ever need it, if they kill the mobile site then I’m just done.
It’s actually pretty unbelievable how badly they handled it in the end.
Fellow lifetime Ultra member; I also deleted my 8 year old R****t account and came here. I also use squabbles.io. I’m not sure which one I’ll stick with yet (that’s if I stick to one and not use both).
So far I’m loving these new options - they’re a breath of fresh air; everyone is so nice and friendly!
Welcome! Glad you are here!
Thank you! Glad to be here!
I was a lifetime Ultra member as well. Haven't touched reddit since June 30 and am now regularly on Lemmy. Also, for some reason, I seldom commented on reddit, but here I am more actively participating!
Welcome! Glad you are here!
I check reddit sometimes using RedReader which got an exemption from the API policies https://www.reddit.com/r/RedReader/comments/145du4j/update_4_redreader_granted_noncommercial/
Still though, who knows how long that may last, I can't imagine using reddit without 3rd party apps otherwise. I'm loving Lemmy so far and even RedReader seemed to have plans to support other platforms including Lemmy someday, so that's exciting.
How long will that app last if it becomes the prominent app post migration? It’s gonna draw attention if it becomes the main way to bypass Reddit ads / app. Will it be subscription free?
the dev is strong on the philosophy of keeping it free and open source. So it won't ever require subscription, which also partly what allowed reddit to give the exemption as a 'non commercial' app. As for how long it may last, I don't know, they were worried about this too, that a lot of 3rd party users would migrate to this app and reddit may change their mind.
Is it android only?
Yeah unfortunately it's Android only.
Something on iOS will emerge I hope.
Looks that way sadly.
If you have knowledge about sideloading or are willing to learn, you can still have Apollo running with your api key. I did it with mine and it’s been working well
My issue is I accidentally installed the latest version of Apollo. I don’t know the work around with the latest version.
You’d still need to sideload. You need to alter the .ipa to get things working.