It’s not the app, it’s
Users are up 40% since Apollo shit down. The servers are getting slammed I’m sure
wefwef is now Voyager! Subscribe to [email protected].
It’s not the app, it’s
Users are up 40% since Apollo shit down. The servers are getting slammed I’m sure
typo intended...? 😁
Yeah I’m on a smaller instance and wefwef is snappy af
Same—it’s amazing
It’s not. Using browser or other lemmy apps work when wefwef fails. Pretty sure it’s also due to rate limiting of the app (wefwef in this case)
Hmm except when using Memmy I'm getting no issues at all. I'm posting this right now with Memmy no problems, wefwef (which I would rather use) is erroring out continuously
Using LiftOff and getting a lot of 502 Bad Gateway errors when loading comments or upcoming comments/posts. Also, this comment failed to post 2 times before it finally went through.
I can’t even log in. Seems like a cool app though. works much better for me right now.
I also moved myself over to and find the experience to be the best I’ve had yet in terms of performance. It’s definitely snappy, what one would expect. I hope it lasts!
Create temporarily an account somewhere else, such as is overwhelmed
Why a temporary account? It's a federation so all posts and comments posted will be seen on all federated servers/instances. For example, I'm on the instance and I can read your comment and reply to you, no problem.
Because one loses subscriptions by moving to a new server
Until cross instance delay improves, what you are saying is easier said than done. I'm experiencing hours to days delays on comment updates from threads across instances. It's beyond annoying
You don't keep your account settings though.
True. I had to painstakingly subscribe to all the communities, but now I'm good, I'm staying at In a federated system, we can't have users subscribbing only to one instance. It needs to be balanced out.
Yeah, I just spent half an hour re-subscribing to all of my .world communites at A hassle, but also kinda fun. Encountered a few "subscription pending"s --which I'm not sure is a traffic issue, or not...
It is a Lemmy issue for sure.
Also depends on what sort of lemmy community you want, some allow nsfw but not porn, some allow downvotes, some don't. Some have defederated from lots of communities shrinking the content you can access. When I sorted through the giant table of lemmy servers and looked at which ones had the things I wanted in a server, there were only one or two that would work for me. Of course that list will grow, but it's not so easy to just switch.
A couple of reasons... is a large instance and thus has a lot of communities. Your local feed will be very robust as opposed to if you go to a very small instance or a self hosted one.
Picking too small of an instance could mean the admin might decide they get bored with it one day or can't keep it up for whatever reason. You will lose your account entirely this way.
Shit jus works appears to be okay right, runs pretty quick. Lemmy.World is really taking a beating right now. It sucks :|
Yes, jumped over to Memmy and had the same thing, might be another world hiccup
I just noticed that is based in Finland(?) There are probably a lot of variables, but would a USA-based instance be snappier in a general sense? Obviously Lemmy as a whole is getting battle tested recently--but in theory, would an instance geographically closer to the user perform better?
This is generally correct.
Guessing it's just world being crushed. I use launchpad and world has the same issues.
I get more on wefwef but have similar issue on all of the apps. I'm on Connect right now cause wefwef failed to load and I have had a few issues here as well.
I was getting a lot of errors on (from wefwef and mlem) but once I switched to it’s been pretty smooth.
Yep. Same here. I figure it’ll get sorted out, yeah?
I'm also wondering if wefwef has error-notification features that some of the others might lack. has twice the amount of registrated users and 4x the amount of active users than the next largest instance (being, so yeah there definitely are load issues. Reloading the tab in wefwef 3-4 times does load the content though.
Refer to this site
Stopping refreshing for me all together. Tried to join memmy but their full. I really liked it though.
At first I thought it was app, but is struggling on Memmy for me as well
Lemmy has basically become useless in the last few days. Especially with the mlem and Memmy. Non stop errors and fails to load. I highly doubt this comment will even post.
No issues here. Just make an account on a smaller instance!
Any your voice from the smaller instance will likely not be heard due to syncing delays and issues ☹️
So far I’ve received responses to most of my comments, so it seems to be working fine for now.
I've only had a bit of issues with a couple of instances that are being slammed really hard right now because of the migration. It's mostly been fine but crazy how much it's growing. Went to look at reddit and a lot of it looks like a ghost town/ what happened to digg during the reddit move. These are mostly growing pains.
Maybe let’s give them a couple of weeks to cope with the surge in migration from Reddit.