It’s good. Battery is decent most days. Bugs are very minimal besides one. The keyboard is kind of busted in most apps, especially telegram. It will cover the ui so you can’t see what you are typing plus it covers the send button
iOS Beta
iOS Beta Community
Out of all the beta’s I never really had a problem with battery life, but with iOS 17, I noticably do. Keyboard jumping around from time to time and minor UI glitches, but nothing big. Overall, pretty good experience. Looking forward to trying NameDrop in the future betas. Btw, anyone know if the new voicemail function is US only, haven’t been able to use it.
Things have been running well for me. Only weird bug is that my contacts that do not have iPhones receive my text messages but my phone says they were not delivered.
I remember iOS 11 very differently, one of the largest iOS updates, and one of the busiest beta periods to date. It introduced the home bar navigation style, completely revamped control center, and major auto-layout changes for the new rounded, borderless screens. So buggy it was one of the few releases I went back to 10 for until general release