is currently blocked. You can see a complete list of blocked instances here. There was a discussion about this when threads first announced plans to federate.
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Same here. I Ieft Facebook and Instagram because of their recent option to either let them target ads or have me pay a ridiculous amount not to have ads. I decided that I didn't want to get tracked at all by them. But I don't see why Threads should post to Lemmy or even pull Lemmy content into Threads. They are welcome to let their users share the content on Threads to Lemmy but it's not their content to redistribute
I'd like to have access to the content without having my current stuff swamped. I guess the question is how the algorithm treats an instance with a lot more activity. If it overwhelms, I can just go get a different username and monitor them separately.
Also how does Threads deal with sublemmys? Seems like this might be more of a question for Mastodon.
doesn't the "scaled" sorting on lemmy 0.19.0 handles communities with too many members?
That's the idea behind it. It was just implemented, so hard to say how well it actually functions, or how it would handle a behemoth like threads.
I learned something new today that
(I could be remembering this wrong, it's one of the big instances) is run by, or adjacent to in some way, Cloudflare. So that kinda changes my perception of who's already in place on the fediverse. I haven't done any research into this but, this factoid was presented as CF basically already being in a position to hoover up user data, parse it in corpo ways, and do with it what they please. Meta/Threads is obviously fuelling the awareness that big players can continue to swoop in and do this.
It's kinda the way fed is designed. If a community (or group of communities) wanna fight this it'll take cooperation and collaboration. Think whole neighborhoods of huge cities using bylaws to keep big box stores and fast food chains out. Or rural communities fighting pipelines and freeways from coming through, or huge suburb development plans, etc.
My two cents.
What are you talking about? I can't find anything to back this up, but I am curious. Their about page claims they are funded by patreon donations, and doesn't mention cloudflare anywhere.
Is it just that they use cloudflare services for traffic control, or they host on cloudflare? Especially if it is the former, that is pretty inane.
Thanks for clarifying, this may be the context I was unclear on. As per my disclaimer that I haven't researched in depth on it yet.
.social is the defsult instance run by the mastodon dev. Its not owned by Cloudflare