Have lemmy.world admins said anything about this yet at all?
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If they have any access to data through federation they could have just quitely made a small instance and stolen all the data. So while I 100% won't be creating an account over there, and might block the instances myself, I don't see the need to proactively do it.
I can’t even interact on lemmy.world with my mastodon.world account. Is it really worth worrying about Thread accounts being able to interact here?
I have a feeling Thread is never going to bother with ActivityPub anyway. I suspect the threat was only ever a hedge in case Thread wasn’t as wildly successful on launch as it turned out to be.
In case Lemmy.world doesn't defederate, I need an instance recommendation. Preferably something active. Not lemmy.ml and beehaw.org, I'm not going back to those. Anyone got any ideas?
I'm aware of the beehaw drama... But what's the issue with lemmy.ml?
Yes please block them, I don't want Meta poisoning Lemmy. If I wanted to see facebook content I would have a facebook account, I don't.