Oh, man, with the reddit outage I totally forgot about QC, thank you for the reminder! All caught up now!
Also LOL at Claire being so high she was petting the walls.
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Oh, man, with the reddit outage I totally forgot about QC, thank you for the reminder! All caught up now!
Also LOL at Claire being so high she was petting the walls.
Another reason I'm glad to have left reddit: the QC sub was UNBELIEVABLY toxic, holy god.
Anyway yeah Zlata seems like she is gonna be A Lot
Sounds like you missed the splitting of the group... When one of the mods openly turned transphobic, a new group split off from the old one.
Not that ANY of that matters now. :)
I haven't read QC in many years. Glad it's still going strong. How's Faye going?
Happy, stable, has a good relationship that is the most fleshed out of any in the comic.
Also the absolute safest of the original cast in a literal sense.
QC! Years of soul causing work and life made me forget about this. I have the first few printed volumes signed too.
I should catch up on all I missed someday