Because they don't listen to their users
A place to discuss the news and latest developments on the open-source browser Firefox
Edumakation... "loosing". Really.
The author seems to believe that donating to Mozilla will help Firefox development. That's not true. Mozilla is separated in the non-profit with the goal of making the web better, and Mozilla corporation, which is 100% owned by the non-profit which is there for FF development. Donating to Mozilla only serves to finance various campaigns of the non-profit. The corporation finances itself through deals such as the one with Google for it to be the default search engine.
Yes, I also had the same thought when he mentioned about donating to mozilla. It's kinda sad that money donated by users don't go towards the development of firefox.
Losing*. I hope they don't loose their users and I hope they don't lose them either.
Yes. Thanks for pointing it out. It's not my video so I can't change the title of it.
Hmm.. I can change the post title. 👍