this post was submitted on 28 Sep 2023
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Privacy Community

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Welcome to the NicFab Community Lemmy instance!
Please be kind.
All communities in this space should be at least related to Privacy and innovation.

This is a community space for projects and users interested in privacy, data protection, cybersecurity, and innovative solutions.

Matrix Space

You can also reach this Privacy Community on Matrix by clicking here.

Privacy Policy

Here you can find our Privacy Policy.

Code of conduct

Please abide by the code of conduct.

To report a CoC violation, message one of the admins.



Benvenuto nella instanza Lemmy NicFab Community!
Vi invitiamo ad essere gentili.
Tutte le comunità in questo spazio dovrebbero essere almeno legate alla privacy e all'innovazione.

Questo è uno spazio comune per progetti e utenti interessati alla privacy, alla protezione dei dati, alla cybersecurity e alle soluzioni innovative.

Matrix Space

Puoi trovare questa community anche su Matrix clicando qui.

Informativa Privacy

Qui puoi trovare la nostra Informativa sulla privacy.

Codice di condotta

Siete invitati a rispettare il codice di condotta.

Per segnalare una violazione del codice di condotta, invia un messaggio a uno degli amministratori.


founded 2 years ago

On those grounds,


hereby orders:

  1. Operation of the decision of the European Commission of 25 April 2023, with reference C(2023) 2746 final, designating Amazon Store as a very large online platform in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2022/2065 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 October 2022 on a Single Market For Digital Services and amending Directive 2000/31/EC (Digital Services Act), is suspended in so far as, by virtue of that decision, Amazon Store will be required to make an advertisement repository publicly available, in accordance with Article 39 of that regulation, without prejudice to the requirement for the applicant to compile the advertisement repository.
  2. The application for interim measures is dismissed as to the remainder.
  3. The costs are reserved.

[continue reading on the source web page]

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there doesn't seem to be anything here