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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/linzjustine on 2024-01-23 21:12:13+00:00.
AITA for being mad that my dad didn’t help clean up a mess last night?
I have two kiddos, 5 year old and 1 year old. My dad has lived with me before I ever even had kids and decided to move into our house when my fiancé and I moved 6 years ago. Now, preface to say, I know it’s not my dad’s responsibility to take care of my kids but this incident last night, I just feel like he could have done something to help out.
I was in the living room with my 1 year old changing her diaper, my dad was in the kitchen standing next to my 5 year old. My son knocked over a whole cup of water all over the counter. I’m talking the entire counter was covered in water. Instead of doing literally anything, my dad’s just standing there. I ask him if he’s going to clean it up and he tells me he doesn’t know where any of the towels are and was going to have my son clean it up. Again, my dad has lived in the house as long as we have and the towels have never moved. They’ve always been in the same place. There’s also a brand new roll of paper towels sitting on the counter to the left of him. And my son is 5. I don’t trust him to clean up the entire thing.
So I tell him to forget it and I’ll clean it up once I’m done changing hineys. I’m sooooo irritated at this point. Not just because of the water everywhere, but because we have a counter top ice maker and there’s literally water underneath it. My fiancé hears the commotion (he works from home) and comes to the kitchen with towels and we get it cleaned up. Meanwhile my dad just walks back to his room without even so much as attempting to help.
AITA for being irritated over this? Again, I know it’s not my dad’s job to watch or take care of my kids. But I was literally in the middle of changing my daughter’s diaper.