This picture would have been far, far better if the guy was wearing the oxygen mask, while still an obvious fake, it would look much better
For things that are "hmmm".
Rule 1: All post titles except for meta posts should be just plain "hmmm" and nothing else, no emotes, no capitalisation, no extending it to "hmmmm" etc.
That’s FAA trying to replicate and document yet another Boing disaster.
i think i found the problem. planes aren't supposed to go 'boing'.
:). Not correcting that.
No , apparently they go boing 24/7 ;)
At first you think it is totally fake, but then you start thinking how that picture was done in the first place?
I guess the background was replaced.
The frame of the window he is leaning out of is gone. So this plane was probably receiving maintenance, guy saw the window was removed, grabbed a selfie stick, took the photo, then shopped it onto a sky background. Plane has to be still, not only because this would be extremely hard, if not physically impossible to do, but dude's hair isn't even in motion.
The cockpit windows open on either side so that the pilots can clean the windshield easily on the ground, and then also to serve as an emergency exit with a rope ladder can be dropped out
if not physically impossible
It would be physically impossible. The pilot would be pulled out from the window
There's some case(s?) where this has happened when a window has broken in the cockpit
Oh yeah, I am aware. I just don't know for sure it would be impossible to overcome those forces. Most likely not, but don't know off the top of my head.
You can wind the side windows down in most aircraft, it's how they do things like clean the windscreen.
The several hundred mile per hour wind would make holding a camera on a stick steady impossible
Also it's a 737, that's flying with most bits attached? Doesn't seem very credible.
The door is still attached, obvious fake is obvious.
Godammit. Take my blue arrow.
Yeah last time this came up (the image was over five years old) the conclusion was that the photo was taken on the ground and the background was replaced.
By piecing together different aspects from multiple pics - the plane, guy, stick etc. all being real but then clouds added later, covering up landing gear.
all i know is the windows dont line up with the plane
Yet another reason to switch to Linux
Routine check if all the doors are still there
I giggled but I’d also like to point out that the -800 and -800 Max are different planes.
As in, one comes with doors included, but with the other they require a monthly subscription?
N.. no..
The fact that the number of people in this post, who believe this picture is a fake is not zero, is very concerning to me.
Well it is a real picture
If you think you can open the front window of a 737 above the clouds and the only thing that happens is that your tie is slightly blown to the side then you have a very limited grasp of reality.
I have a very voluminous grasp of reality, my friend. As you can see, those are NOT clouds, it is fog. And the plane is clearly cruising super slow (the clouds arent moving in the picture) allowing a hotshot pilot to roll down the windows--like in a car or a bicycle I bought off Wish--and that is why elements in the picture can happen in real physics. I am with @[email protected] :
it is a real picture.
You could take a picture like this. It's not impossible. I'm not saying this one is real or not.
"in general, the cruising speed of a 737 is around 500-600 mph (800-970 km/h)."
Hurricane force wind is 74 mph (119 km/h)
An EF-5 tornado (top of the scale) is any with wind speeds of over 200 mph (322 km/h).
Here's a quote I found about a tornado (unknown rating):
"I've seen bits of straw embedded in telephone poles. Like all the way through. Something as flimsy as a piece of dried grass hurled with enough force to pierce through wood and come out the other side"
The jet is up to three times that speed. That selfie stick would be in multiple pieces in multiple people, pretty much instantly.
I was just thinking his face would look like a cartoon character with its face in a desk fan. Dog hanging its head out the window.
Is that the true air speed or indicated air speed? The pressure can make quite a difference to how much wind you feel for a given speed.
Even indicated airspeed at takeoff would be 180-200 knots, or 230 mph, which is still an F4 tornado and far in excess of any hurricane.
He's clearly not driving his plane at 600mph. And there isn't a tornado in the picture so the selfie stick and the hay are fine up there. It's real. Bigfoot, not real. 9/11, real. Vampires, not real. Pokemon, real.
This is 100% possible. But god damn it would hurt.
No it is not. That window cannot be opened in flight. It is not locked or anything it is just physically impossible for it to be opened due to pressurized differences.
Kinda looks like there is no window there in the first place, the metal edges are missing. Probably being replaced and the pilot saw his chance to make a funny photo.
It is impossible and it is fake.
It's real bro, try it yourself if you are so skeptical.
I want to see the selfie stick that cab withstand this, for research purposes
That dude's got a strong grip.
Coomer grip be like
Should have the twin towers reflecting in the windshield.
Sick image