It's rock solid. I don't even venture into other apps anymore. Me and lemmy have become exclusive
Memmy - An iOS client for Lemmy
Same here. The search for apps has ended.
Yes it went as far as me actually removing the Comet (3rd party Reddit) app I use and bury it in a folder and putting Memmy in its place. Because opening and browsing it just feels so good. It's awesome.
The defining moment for me was when I put memmy in the spot where Apollo used to be. That was the passing of the crown moment lol
Yup, that helped break the Reddit habit!
It’s looking good, but I’m with voyager until Memmy can introduce ‘mark read’ via scrolling past.
We haven’t done that because you’d have to spam an api call to the server for every post you mark as read. We are hoping lemmy will add an option to send multiple posts at once to be marked as read, then we don’t have to send a ton of requests to the server which is not particularly polite.
Fair! Hopefully a more friendlier resolution will be in the pipeline in the future for you guys, keep up the great work 8)
Those two are my favorite, but I struggled swiping back with Voyager sometimes. I’ll accidentally up or downvote when I’m meaning to go back. So I’ve been using Memmy. Memmy feels snappier too and I like that I can see the instance people/posts are from.
I don’t utilize to mark read on scrolling, but if I did, I’d for sure use Voyager.
So many great apps to choose from!
Oh ya were super lucky to have so much choice to quickly!
I agree about the mark read, but I understand that this should really be done on the Lemmy side.
The other Lemmy thing that is really tough to work with (not a Memmy issue) is how thoroughly Lemmy hides read posts, particularly my own posts. It is virtually impossible to see your own posts without going to Lemmy settings and changing the read posts setting. It seems to force the user to either scroll through old posts constantly or being blind to your own content.
Other than the hide read, I prefer Memmy. Love the design, themes, and option to open links in reader view.
EDIT: My other issue with Memmy is how pinch to zoom on images seems to be broken.
Image viewer is being written from scratch and getting continual updates, so this will keep getting better.
I’ve made some pinch fixes though in the latest update, although double tap to zoom still needs some work. Also locking the image within bounds instead of being able to fly off the screen. But that will all come.
It was really awesome to see the progress of Memmy from start to present. Major kudos to the Dev. It's been my main Lemmy client since the exodus. Latest update is also my favorite so far.
Agreed. Very solid update. Love that the up and down votes are no longer beside save now. Much better.
Does anyone know how to switch accounts with the latest release?
Touch and hold the account name in the bottom center.
This feature in Memmy works the same as in the Mastodon app. It makes sense for both apps to use the same pattern.
THANK YOU! I've been trying to figure out how to switch accounts since the latest update.
Anyone know of a good kbin app?
We plan on adding kbin support once an API is out
There’s a beta of the kbin API.
As for apps, there is one that I know of, Artemis. The Dev (Harriette) built an API for Artemis to work with kbin until their API is ready. It’s a pretty solid app so far.
My understanding is that kbin doesn't have an API right now, so apps can't be built yet
Ah, dang. Okay. I guess I jumped on the wrong server then at the start.
Eh I like how kbin works better than Lemmy. APIs and apps will come.
I also really love this latest release! A couple wish list items and one issue I’ve recently encountered:
- Comment jump button
- Gesture customization (upvoting, saving, etc.)
- Memmy randomly toggles between light and dark modes, even with system-based theming enabled and light mode active
The comment jump button is huge. It appears to be in development on the project git…
Agreed! I’m loving this app more and more. Haven’t been back to Reddit since the Apollo shutdown.
Agreed. The development pace was crazy the last couple of weeks. Thank you!
Also came here to say this, awesome work under so little time, very impressive!
It actually works so well on Apple silicon Macs now that I've started running it on my laptop.
I’m actually blown away with the latest release. Wow so much better and more like my beloved Apollo. I just want this place to grow now.