I just keep coming back to Cypher. I haven't tried too many agents, but his abilities are quick enough, and I love the mind games (probably the same reason I'm thinking of trying out Yoru or occasionally bouncing back to Omen).
VALORANT Lemmy Community
Just tried Deadlock today. She not currently the meta at the moment. I believe she will be well suited for locking down key choke point as well as creating denial toward reaching for the bomb.
Looking forward of studying a couple map and try to work on pre-shooting.
She's weird because she doesn't feel oppressive at all, but if you see the UI warning about her ult it's too late to get out already. Or I'm just too slow, both could be true.
I would love to study all the useful lineups. Lots of petty trick up her sleeves if you know what you are doing.
Honestly her kit is really underwhelming, her traps aren't really reliable on attack side because the flanking enemy will always be quick. On the other hand her wall is like a worse sage wall because it doesn't give the protection that sage wall does. Her ult although strong is not that hard to dodge.