This says so much about the morals and values of the Conservative Christian Republican.
US Authoritarianism
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In case this dude wasn't despicable enough, he was also in the process of grooming a minor when this happened. Republicans really are the party of projection.
Edit: he was 35 when he sent this.
What the fuck is wrong with the US?
How much time do you have?
I was amazed that there is no limit to how many pardons a president van issue (let alone take money for it) but now I learn that Governors can pardon too?
How can people accept this in a civilized wold?
governors can pardon state level crimes. And a pardon is just the executive branch of government saying that they are not going to enforce any punishment against a person who was convicted of a crime.
Fuck the entire state of Texas. I don't wanna hear "but there are good ones". When I grab a loaf of bread that's moldy, I don't dig through it to find the one piece that's ok. I just toss the whole thing.
The fucking shitbag bragged about heading to Dallas to shoot people. Fuck greg, he's a garbage human.
This guy drove into a crowd of protestors and shot someone randomly out of his window for open-carrying at a protest. He admitted in court that it was not self-defense. He also had a ton of shit on his phone talking about "the blacks", and how he wanted to kill protestors to send a message.
I can guarantee that the governor of Texas would feel very differently about pardoning somebody who sent texts and acted upon wanting to kill the governor of Texas "to send a message".
setting a murderer back on the streets.
If democrats don't run ads on this they're useless.
It would just end as another Kyle Shittenhouse. Conservative media would blow him up until he's a star with a chance at running for congress.
You can't keep adhering to the rules when your opponent threw them away years ago.
Isn't it scaring you how you guys have no real justice in the US if anyone with a bit of power can just override it?
Yeah, it's fucking terrifying.