So many examples of this.
US absolutely torches any progress made in alternative fuels then goes on to claim no possible alternatives to fossil fuels.
Rules TBD.
So many examples of this.
US absolutely torches any progress made in alternative fuels then goes on to claim no possible alternatives to fossil fuels.
There's a law requiring ever-increasing amounts of biofuel to be mixed into everything. Biofuel has a ton of downsides that have great potential for a dust bowl 2.0, but that's another topic. US researchers have every motivation to develop non-constly alternatives by virtue of investors, even if the investment only gives them a small bubble like Arcimoto's minicars did. In fact, California is considering using hydrogen cars for parts of their network that don't go past the speeds hydrogen fuel can support.
This is really one sided. I'm not saying there isn't truth in it, but there are also other factors. Communist revolutions can be bloody and can lead to authoritarian states. They can be inefficient and stifle innovation. It often was just a power grab not an attempt to make a country better for everyone.
I wouldn't want to live in the mid 20. century idea of communism. But otherwise I support that the means of production belongs to the worker and anyone affected by the production.
Authoritarian is a meaningless word that anti-communists love to use without thinking. Every state holds authority by virtue of having a monopoly on violence, period. The only question is whose interests the authority of the state is exercised in. There is also zero evidence that communist states are inefficient of stifle innovation. In fact, vast majority of meaningful innovation under capitalism happens in the public sector. Finally, every communist state has vastly improved living conditions for the majority of the people. I recommend actually learning a bit of history instead of regurgitating nonsense you've been indoctrinated into.
They ignored the point that capitalism uses violent oppression to suppress innovation. Kind of a main point of the video. The evidence that other ideological regimes cannot innovate is always implicitly that capitalists won by military might therefore the interlocutor is compelled to concede a flawed premise from the outset.
It's like smashing the sportsball net then saying you won the game. Especially if one were to come from a scientific perspective that is not a proper comparison of technological innovation when you ensure nobody else can even try.
Show us a world were different regimes compete scientific and technologically without resorting to violence against the others. We couldn't have it because capitalists sabotage your science experiment, take your equipment, then declare themselves the winner.
Even with the US pouring every gram of the value generated by its citizens labor into violence and global oppression of socialism
Even with the USSR spending all its money on its own citizens quality of life instead of enriching the bourgeois
The Americans still lost 19/20 space race milestones and called themselves the winner
If Reagan won 20 years earlier and torched American industry, science, and labor a little sooner we might have been posting this from the Jupiter orbital colony.
very much agree
@yogthos my dude you literally support an organisation that briefly toned down the capitalism in the place it governed before restoring it at gunpoint: you're in absolutely no position to be going around calling others anti-communist.
What organization would that be Jeremy?
@yogthos The Communist Party of China.
Thanks for confirming that you're a troll who has no clue what communism is. Bye.
@yogthos T.I.L. Communism is when you run a few experiments about how society without private property might work but then force all the participants back into capitalism at literal gunpoint.
Do you have a source on the "literal gunpoint" part? just wanna get some context for what you're talking about.
@Fidel_Cashflow they actually ran several experiments some more successful than others. Turns out people don't usually like having to share kitchens but love collective farming arrangements, even ones plagued with accusations of sabotage. I will have to hunt down the dates again but the re-privatisation of farming was not popular when it happened and there were several skirmishes between farmers and police over it.
When you don't know the difference between communism and socialism. What no theory does to a mf
@carl_marks_1312 that's literally the point I'm making to your friend but it's not sinking in.
At least do some basic reading of theory instead of bringing nothing new to the table. China is run by communists and the economic system is market socialist (or more accurately SWCC). And yes socialism isn't without contradictions. You haven't event answered my questions how you imagine communism to come about, coward.
That's because all you're doing is regurgitating nonsense, and everybody in this thread can see it.
Yoghaus is a fucking idiot. Spread the word.