The original post: /r/aliens by /u/Ok_Alternative4099 on 2024-10-05 15:01:45.
Hi! I recently watched a video explaining the deep biosphere and it taught me all about these crazy organisms that can survive in amazing conditions. But then I wondered, if stuff can survive down there, why not on other planets?
The main reasons life on mars can't exist are these:
- The atmosphere. There is very little to no atmosphere in mars, and atmosphere that does exist is 95% carbon dioxide, which we humans can't breathe. However, there are both bacteria that breathe nitrogen and bacteria that breathe carbon dioxide, meaning this roadblock could be circumvented. But there are other problems that come from Mars not having an atmosphere, such as:
2.The radiation. Because Mars doesn't have an atmosphere, there is nothing to stop the sun's radiation from bombarding the planet. But in the deep biosphere, there is also a huge amount of radiation from radioactive elements releasing all those deadly waves. But the bacteria down there can also survive that radiation, so it's feasible the same could happen on Mars.
- Water. Mars has very little surface water, except on the poles, which is, well, frozen. But there are bacteria that can survive in the tiny amounts of water trapped in between the ice. But there is also water in the deep biosphere, trapped in cracks in the granite and bedrock. So it's possible there could be bacteria who survive underneath the ground of mars or in the poles.
- Temperature. Mars is cold. Like, SUPER cold. Mars can get to -220 degrees farenheight. But the deep biosphere can get up to 248 degrees farenheight, and the bacteria can survive there just fine. So I really don't see why bacteria couldn't survive the cold as well as the heat.
Those are the reasons I think life could exist below Mars's surface.
I'm sorry for all the spelling issues and grammar stuff that I know is in there. I proofread this a bunch of times, but I'm a middle schooler, not an author. I'm gonna miss stuff. Let me know what you think of this!