Alrighty, missed the live show due to a quick brake job requiring a two hour drive for surprise new calipers! HoB retained so all is well.
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Guess that means Joe might interfere in the trios match...
So I guess it's official-- Nigel wants Danielson at All In.
Hobbs is like Brian from Family Guy. Always talking about his book but never releasing it.
I've always loved Punk and he's been crushing it on Heels and Collision! Loved the main event so much!
I also have such a soft spot for the Colosseum, being a JCP/NWA girl which is why part of me wants this to be the night that Brock takes off. I know he's still learning but I just love the 4H and Arn so much and have many fond memories of them I'd love for Arn to start them up again with a new class <3
(Also I love that JR got out but it really makes me sad how much everything that's happened to him has taken a toll on him you can tell the main event meant a lot to him though even though I kinda wish we got Tony and JR calling it just like old times - no disrespect to Ian and Nigel, who I love!)
Willow has so much natural charisma, she's managed to get this over with basically no promos
Pre-gamer: who you got -- CMFTR or HoB?
I'm going HoB via BCG/Ricky shenanigans.
Cool idgaf Ricky is amazing already
Guess this means he isn't wrestling at Wembley though :/
Also would keep him off All Out, which seems a bit odd
Caster should be too sad to rap.
I'm still not sure how I feel about Ricky going heel again.
Between the crowd support and his natural charisma kind of puts him in tweener territory. We want to like him because he's cool and passionate, but he's also kind of dick rn and short tempered.
Ricky with two kinds of mic drops. That was great.
Well deserved standing O for Acclaimed/Iron Savages. That was fun.
Looks like Boulder humps turnbuckles now lol
He keeps playing his chest as well. He's oddly sexual
I think it's their new gimmick on BTE/ROH. It's like a spoof on immature gym bros.
Lol that's what I got from them. At first, I was thinking bigger hoss type serious dudes. It then progressed to me thinking of gym bros fucking around.
Here comes Stat caulking guns blazing
😂😂😂 OK I think I already love posh eccentric diva Toni Storm
Her spiral has been great lol
If she keeps it up, it could make sense for her to take the pin at Wembley. That would drive her even more nuts 😂
😂 Omg she has to leave Wembley crying
BCG are such lovable scamps lol
Just from what I've seen of Mercedes and Diamante, I love this victory for them and it fits
Christian raising the title as if he loses to Darby then the title changes hands.
What do you think? 60/40 cheers to boos? Maybe less maybe more? (I'm talking Punk's entrance)
It's hilarious that a guy named Powerhouse Hobbs is so philosophical
The real powerhouse is his brain
65 billion years Darby? This is why you need to take less bumps.
Worth it for the mics to pick up luchasaurus correcting him
Did he?! I missed it 😂
Yeah, you could hear him shout "MILLION!" at Darby after he says that.
How the hell did I miss that crying Darby fan lmao
Brock had like 30 seconds of offense in that match lol
The Champ is HERE!
Poor Brock. Arn talked tough only for him to get his ass kicked
This show has flown by already main event time
It's been another very good episode. AEW's really on fire at the right time.
Punk is like the only guy who could make this real world championship thing work.
I'm still not used to seeing Malakai without a beard lol
That match fucked!
Whoa! Miro vs Hobbs