it’s just baby throwing his daily “look at meeeee!” tantrum.
it’ll pass when someone changes his diaper and gives him his binkie.
edit: oh, hey, look at that:
This is a most excellent place for technology news and articles.
it’s just baby throwing his daily “look at meeeee!” tantrum.
it’ll pass when someone changes his diaper and gives him his binkie.
edit: oh, hey, look at that:
But he said he’s a free speech absolutest! How could this be? /s
If only he’d kept his mouth shut he’d probably be worth another 100billion. He reminds me of all the edge lords on 4chan, except with the unfortunate fact the media keeps reporting the dumb shit be says.
X aka Twitter has not been contacted for comment because it is known to only send a poop emoji in reply to media queries.
He just wants to say the n word.
“I’m African, so I can say it”
-elun muX
Musk is a perfect, high profile example of how disingenuous most "free speech" proponents are.
The actual, unbiased, actual-town-square concept of free speech like being able to speak up against your government is good and important, of course it is - but that's not what people are referring to on social media, imageboards, etc. They're referring to being able to slur minorities without being criticised, and wouldn't bat an eye at shutting out "libs".
He said free speech, not timely speech /s
I wonder if anyone's image has crashed from such highs to such pathetic lows. At the end of the day, it was all PR but he still had the admiration of many people just a few years back i.e before the Thai submarine fiasco. Now most people consider him a petulant child man with a massive fortune. The only good outcome of this fall has been a clear understanding that earning wealth is purely based on luck. It doesnt matter if it is millions or billions ,nothing comes due to our own genius. It is a combination of factors that result in wealth but it is mostly determined at your birth. May be this episode will humble others who might have taken a similar path due to their inexplicable wealth.
Why are so many people still using Twitter, what will it take for people to leave? Musk could probably charge $10 per tweet and bunch of people would be fine with that.
The same reason 2016 happened. Lots of mentally broken people in this country. Just watched a manager, old guy, at work, go off to another old co-worker about "did you hear about what they're doing to skittles? With the fucking trans colors!?" knuckle dragging rabble rabble THEY WERE ALREADY A RAINBOW.
Honestly with how fast threads, brand new, was able to jump into this compared to the growth of mastodon, I'm convinced the only thing that can convince most people to stop using a corperate bloated social media site from hell is a new, slightly less bloated (so far) corperate social media site from hell.
Twitter won't die all the way until we have something else we want to die
The removal of the capability to make money on it as a platform.
Honestly, I'm constantly asking this question regarding most social media platforms. What will it take for people to stop using platforms they don't like? It's not just the support, it's the actual monetary value of their interactions with those platforms -- you're handing those companies money by utilizing their "free" platforms. I teach online undergrad courses in mass communication, visual literacy, etc. Students talk about their use of social media platforms and many complain that they don't even like them or don't like their policies. When I ask them why they continue to use these platforms they don't like, they say it's easier to keep in contact with grandma, or military member, or someone overseas (or similar response).
Is call, text, and email not covering those individual communications? Are there not other formats that could be used instead of platforms that you don't like? It's much deeper than just that "simple" question. For many, it questions their idea of how culture and society. Especially younger people, who grew up with social media all of their lives, it's difficult to picture an existence without it, to live with the "FOMO" (fear of missing out), etc.
It's honestly a really interesting topic, and it will be necessary to question our idea of culture and what's "normal" when it comes to social media usage.
This is a person who’s mission, every day, is how to make the world shittier for everyone. He asks himself, over his breakfast of Cap’n Crunch and a juice box, ‘how can I fuck things up today?’
There's Elon Musk spam on this community every day. Can we stop doing the billionaire's PR for him?
Downvote this garbage.
If 1/2 the clowns that endlessly post anti-Twitter/anti-Musk stories would just STOP USING TWITTER, the entire site would collapse. Sick of seeing that asswipe's name, but I'm not on his goddamn platform. I don't drive his shitty cars. I won't fawn over every goddamn thing he does.
How much of an absolute douche do you have to be to make Zuck look good in comparison?!
You claim you hate the guy, but the fact that you have a Twitter account proves that was a lie.
While I agree, it's good to know these ridiculous actions he takes. It's not like it's positive for him
Musk operates on the "There is no such thing as bad publicity model". He doesn't care if the news is bad or good so long as his name / businesses are in the 24-hour news cycle. It's stupid, but he gets idiots to bring him more attention.
This is %100 wrong when your main source of revenue is advertising. Advertisers very much care about bad press.
Edit: How relevant -
Elon zucc cagefight bs is pointless muskspam. This is not
This is the best summary I could come up with:
The delayed websites included X’s online rivals Facebook, Instagram, Bluesky and Substack, as well as the Reuters wire service and the Times.
On Tuesday afternoon, hours after this story was first published, X began reversing the throttling on some of the sites, dropping the delay times back to zero.
Charlie Stadtlander, a spokesman for the Times, said in a statement that the news outlet has “made similar observations of our own” about the systemic delays and “not received any explanation from the platform about this move.”
“While we don’t know the rationale behind the application of this time delay, we would be concerned by targeted pressure applied to any news organization for unclear reasons,” he said.
“Writers cannot build sustainable businesses if their connection to their audience depends on unreliable platforms that have proven they are willing to make changes that are hostile to the people who use them.”
Links to Facebook, Instagram and the new microblogging service Threads were all throttled; all three are owned by Meta, whose founder and chief Mark Zuckerberg has been locked in an ongoing online feud with Musk over not-yet-existent plans for a mixed-martial-arts fight.
I'm a bot and I'm open source!
So some more lawsuits then, I guess. This can't be legal.
Before Net Neutrality was tossed, it wasn't
Net neutrality only applies to ISPs
Meta and their army of lawyers might still find a way. Can't hurt if they'd try something useful for a change.
No time to fight that ginger robot when you're fighting the urge to ruin everything around you.
Petulant melon husk at it again.