I've been really enjoying it. I don't know about how it is lore wise but it's been entertaining for me. I have found it confusing with the different timelines and not knowing who is who but overall I think it's been great, at face value at least.
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I saw it was based on Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson stuff and decided to pass.
Good move, it sucks
Same here. After finishing the actual books I excitedly grabbed one of the Brian and Kevin books and wanted to vomit. No desire to see anything even remotely influenced by it.
TBF, neither Brian nor Kevin are listed as official screenwriters on the series. I think they are executive producers/consultants, but that doesn't necessarily mean much. And additionally, the showrunners have changed up the plot from their Sisterhood novel quite a lot (which from what I can tell was a good move).
I could not make it past the halfway point of the third episode, so no, unfortunately not. I wanted to like it, and I did try.
The very lazy writing and clumsy storytelling does not at all remind me of the Villeneuve vision of Dune that I've come to appreciate so much.
Isn't it just Raised by Wolves season 2?