No. Just no. Seriously.
Think about red flag laws. Think about the person who likes guns, and shoots for fun, maybe they hunt too. Lawfully. Then they have a mental health break. They get help, but the state, and you could argue rightfully, temporarily takes their guns. OK. They were a threat to themselves, and the law in place set guidelines resulting in 6 months of no guns, no ammo, and cannot make any purchases.
Important note: this person is NOT a criminal, and hasn't broken any laws. They would be breaking the law by buying a gun, or ammo, or possessing such during the 6 months to a year (that's a range in Minnesota).
Honestly, I am a fan of red flag laws in principle. It's a good idea all told. Now, we're going to place 3D printers in the same category? What if this person's favorite hobby, something that is helping them recover, is 3D printing? You, the state, in the interest of preserving health, are now forcibly eroding it by edging toward treating a 3D printer as a gun.
Yes, this comes from a true story, not in New York. This bill really shouldn't leave committee.