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The original was posted on /r/2westerneurope4u by /u/Palarva on 2025-01-24 21:24:42+00:00.
I just want to say "thank you" to this community.
Every single time I venture outside of this sub, I am faced with a wall of stupid and fragile egos (and far too often both at once).
It is both a curse and a blessing, a curse because I get downvoted on sight when I'm out there, a blessing because there is no better feeling than the one of belonging once back here.
Honestly, I'm now scared to leave home at all.
The fact that I'm autistic says more about you than me by the way but nevertheless, I don't struggle here as much as I struggle out there.
So thank you for being the intelligent & educated degenerates that I so need in my (online) life.
I can't care less if such a feelings showcase makes you uncomfortable, you're gonna shit on me regardless just because of my flair so I've got nothing to lose, it's business as usual in fact.