Can't tell what you look like with the severely outdated duck lips
Can't tell what you look like with the severely outdated duck lips
A crushing criticism from someone so handsome
You're using Lemmy, so 10 out of 10.
How about me? My dad took this picture of me when I fell asleep on my shuffle mat.
11/10 fo sho, would snuggle
Your hair and eyes match, neat. Also, props for not yanking all your eyebrows out, looks strong. Very little to no makeup? I love lots of makeup, but you've got the look without.
But yeah, pull in the duck lips. Maybe other girls think it's cute, not sure guys do.
8/10. A smile would make it 10/10.
Cute, I'd do a double take if I saw you in the street.
Thank you x
You are the kind I'm willing to face fuck anytime. Be my submissive toy and you'll be pleased