Wasn't there something about windows not actually shutting down if you do a shutdown? One would assume they do, and use it in a reboot scenario
you know the computer thing is it plugged in?
I'm super late, but: Yes, with "Fast Startup" enabled, a Windows machine will do a hybrid shutdown, when you choose "shutdown". It will shut down userspace and hibernate the kernel. Upon boot it will load the kernel from hibernation and then start a fresh userspace on top.
Of course if you had any issues in, for example, a sound driver, then that bad state will get loaded back in too. And the uptime counter is also part of the kernel state that gets loaded back in.
If you choose "reboot" it does a standard shutdown and at the last step writes to the ACPI reset register so the mainboard does a reset and directly starts booting again. Then both kernel and userspace are started fresh.
Yes. Literally turning it off and then on again via shutdown doesn't reset the counter, like restart does.
I love the look on her face