Ivern main, peak around gold, but I don’t play ranked. Used to do it just until I got the skin, but I’m a normals enjoyer.
League of Legends
A Lemmy community for the game League of Legends.
WW and Nocturne jungle, but I'm bad.
Me too. I'm literally Iron IV, so you can't get worse than me!
I don't play league anymore ever since they updated the anti-cheat. But when I used to play I only played Lulu. Strictly only Lulu. Mainly support but I'd play her any Lane, attack speed Lulu was OP back then AP Lulu was also OP literally anything Lulu was just OP back then. God I miss those days. they nerfed her and I went back to mainly playing support. But it was so great because I would never see another Lulu player it was just me and a few other people that saw her beauty until it finally caught on. I think it was some streamer or YouTuber that played Lulu jungle in a high ELO that made people finally realize that Lulu is broken.
I still play MOBA's like that and hero shooters. Like deadlock for example I only play ivy.
I haven't tried this season yet, but I've been maining Poppy/Lillia/Vi jungle lately. I tend to swap roles every couple years or so when I get bored. Poppy is my favorite by far.
I could see myself playing Poppy too, but I haven't tried her out yet.
She's pretty good, but can suffer a bit as a blind pick since it makes you easy to counter. Great against any high mobility teams due to her W. Her ult can be awkward to get used to since it does very little damage, but is really versatile.