Old enough to know questions like this are often used for doxxing purposes, young enough to have so little to live for that I just simply don't care.
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Worried about being drafted in the immediate aftermath of 9/11
Michael Jackson was black when I first learned he existed
I remember rotary phones, Saturday morning cartoons, slap bracelets, and a time when there was ONE home videogame system.
The new SpongeBob has no spirit
I grew up playing flash games on the Internet
Computer class had modules on (MS-)DOS, Lotus 123, Wordstar, and GW-BASIC. The succeeding years, we were taught Turbo Basic, Turbo Pascal, and Turbo C. In the final year, we had HTML and CSS.
There's a region in my brain still devoted to a few Wordstar keyboard shortcuts (ctrl+KC
, ctrl+KK
, ctrl+Y
) but it's degraded enough that I couldn't remember what they're for.
Oh, Tetris on handhelds was the craze when I was in primary school. They were called by a different name though (copyright reasons, perhaps) but the generic name was "Brick Game".
Typos, missing punctuation and other mistakes.
I have copies of the same bands' albums in four different formats.
Sweets were rationed when I was born. Sometime later I sold avocado bathroom suites...
They're you're fault haha!
Yes! Sorry about that... Although there was a grey/brown/sludge colour that was worse than avocado. Real avocados though were rarer than avocado bathroom suites.
We're usually the tech support for generations before and after us
I played Mortal Kombat in highschool in MS-DOS.
I have to feed my Tamagotchi!
There's this new thing called pokemon
The most popular game machine in my first neighbourhood had unmoveable sprites for picture elements:
God I'd forgotten they existed! Blast from the past
The first thing I bought with money I earned myself was a Teal Gameboy Color.
I have not met anyone younger than me who remembers the terrorist attack on the World Trade Centers.
I went up them twice. Once, they tossed my pocketknife in a basket (full of pocketknives) they kept behind the metal detectors to reclaim when we finished. America is fucking weird