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The original was posted on /r/hayastan by /u/Entire_Bicycle_3287 on 2023-09-21 02:10:48.
We sat on the internet and seethed for three years (some occasionally protested and then seethed some more) while that monkey in power and his little cronies did what they did.
We followed an opposition that essentially divided itself in 2021 while pashik conquered.
We did NOTHING. The majority of able-bodied Armenian men, both in Armenia and the diaspora, did nothing. I am to blame for this too. I myself listened to my parents’ protests against me buying a one-way ticket and going to the front lines in 2020. And I’ve hardly been able to look myself in the mirror for three years without blaming myself. Young men, our best and brightest, were martyred under the ordnance of drones while I still breathe. I breathe without ending the life of a single enemy soldier. And I feel responsible, as we all should. Whenever I tell this to people, they always respond back with “the lands were already sold” or “Pashinyan and/or Kocharyan’s son didn’t serve, why should you fight and die for nothing?” This mode of thinking got us where we are in the first place.
When you watch the videos from the 90s you can see the dichotomy. You can see the difference. Armenian MEN started their defense against the enemy, against all odds. Outmanned. Outgunned. The entire world against them. The Soviets initially supporting azerbaijan. They started the war with hunting rifles and scavenged off the dead enemy. They did what they could to get weapons. And most importantly, Armenians were united for a common goal (for the most part). And we won. We tasted victory and held our heads high.
Today…we’re more divided than ever. I see the defeatist mindset on the main sub and it makes me nauseous. I see it in real life too. I remember around 2021 when nikol was considering opening the borders with turkey. I brought it up in conversation to an older Armenian man I would see at work. His response: “a de lav a, hima normal ar ev tur kanen, el rusi vra huyner@ chen dni.” I didn’t want to see his face again. And we got complacent for 30 years which gave rise to a yellow journalist, a pothead, and an amateur pornstar coming to power to send 5,000 of our brothers to their graves in vain.
Most Armenians in the 21st century run from trouble and rush to comfort. And when the enemy is at the gates, they run to “raise awareness” or “write their congressman” or “protest.” Or they beg other countries to do their bidding for them. ANYTHING but pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, pick up a rifle, and embrace the violence.
I’ve grown an absolute disgust for my people’s behavior that I don’t care to have. Those with money open cafes, hotels, nightclubs/bars, restaurants in Yerevan, Jermuk, and Dilijan. But God forbid they invest in Armenia’s military industrial complex, agriculture, energy infrastructure, etc. to make ourselves important to the world.
Then we turn around and blame the world for turning a blind eye. We blame Russia. We blame the US. We blame Europe. We’re constantly looking for a saviour. Somehow Armenians are now under the impression that a Iran, a Shia theocracy, is prepared to fill that role (lol).
We effectively lost Artsakh today. I didn’t need recent events to confirm that Monte’s words would come true. “If we lose Artsakh, we turn the final page in Armenian history.” The vermin are already speaking of “western zangezur” in the UN whilst European leaders clap their hands. Syunik is next. After that it’s Sevan, then Lori, and eventually Yerevan and Gyumri. The knife reached the bone a long time ago. We are on our way to becoming an ottoman millet again.
I don’t want this to happen, and if I can help it, I want to contribute to our revanche in this lifetime. We’re ~10 million strong in the diaspora. It should be every Armenian’s duty to marry Armenian, have at least 5 children, invest in the military and infrastructure of the homeland, contribute to effective lobbying efforts, maintain our traditions, language, and religion, and every able-bodied Armenian male worldwide should be be proficient with a weapon and be prepared to fight for our Holy soil, no matter their profession.
Every Armenian should strive to repatriate to our soil. The soil of David Bek, Mkhitar Sparapet, Nzhdeh, Andranik, Monte, and Vazgen.
I just hope we all stop blowing smoke and start taking action. The current traitor in chief needs to be removed, but the opposition is ineffective. Perhaps a new leader will emerge from the new generation and a cultural correction back to normalcy will come about.
Let’s just hope it happens sooner than later. But regardless, I hope everyone reading this takes a hard look at themselves in the mirror and decides to do more for that soil than we’ve been doing, myself included.