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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/Arcade_109 on 2023-09-22 01:54:25.
Full disclosure, I am a man. My girlfriend and her 1 year old have been living with me for the past few months while they look for an apartment. The bio daddy started coming around her place and verbally threatening and harassing them. He does not have any rights to her. There has been no paternity test and his name is not on the birth certificate. He has no parental rights to her daughter.
Along with this, another one of her exes who also would be shitty and abusive to her has recently started texting her with different numbers asking for them to be friends and maybe more again. She tried to be nice and said, "I will contact you if I decide I'd like to be friends. In the mean time please do not contact me."
Anyway, we even switched daycares not too long ago. This morning she went to drop her daughter off and the daycare lady texted her and said that a car had kept parking on the other side of the road and taking notes or something when she dropped her daughter off. Then they would leave after she did. She noticed it for a couple days now.
We assume it is either bio dad or other ex being bastards but we aren't sure what to do. Obviously I will be going to drop off at daycare with her from now on and I'm gonna try to find out about the car. But we aren't sure about the best course of action. Has anyone ever had a similar situation or any advice on what they might do? Thank you.