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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/dreamysleepyexplorer on 2023-09-23 14:15:01.
Yesterday I was scrolling through reels where a girl was asking his boyfriend the names of beauty products and he didn't know most of them , in comments a girl had commented I also don't know half of the products and everyone was calling her a pick me , like wtf isn't it completely okay if I don't know what those are called or how they are applied ? I myself am not fond of makeup , I like doing it occasionally , I don't like lipsticks , I don't like eye liner , and I don't have anything against women who like putting makeup on , my friend does super amazing makeup and I adore her and compliment her for her skills , but I personally don't like applying makeup and don't know about makeup products . Dore this make me a "pick me" ? Like please don't make this something abnormal to not like applying makeup as a woman or girl and it does not make me less feminine , I love to dress up , I love my femininity and I believe I don't need to apply makeup to prove this.