Leave no trace
Rules •1. No Doxxing •2. No TikTok reposts •3. No Harassing •4. Post Gore at your own discretion, Depends if its funny or just gore to be an edgelord.
Let us begin?
Let us begout*
"Two men in, one man out!"
Pack it up, pack it in, let me begin I came to win, battle me, that's a sin I won't ever slack up, punk, ya better back up Try and play the role and yo, the whole crew'll act up
I came to get down, I came to get down So get out your seat and jump around
It's an electrical car. So the other person is packing in the front.
Or in the trash bag
Probably getting stuffed in the trunk.
Errr, umm...
Y'all are missing the whole point. Driver's Black.
Serious question. What is >.> meant to convey? I don't understand the emoji
Shifty eyes
That's an emoticon. Emoji (singular emojus) are graphical characters with a single Unicode codepoint.
"The future is now, old man!"
(I'm also an old nerd)
Shifty eyes, or someone avoiding eye contact: similar to the monkey looking at you then away uncomfortably meme.
Thank you. That explains it perfectly
It also has 2 bullet holes. Classic American Hiking.
Pretty sure bullet holes in signs is a relatively universal rural thing - plenty of tramping tracks here in NZ have them!
Pretty rude to be callin' my girlfriend trash, bro...
Each person came with their own ride? Not to far fetched, some friends live far enough away that the halfway point is the meet-up point
The other person is just in the car...
...trunk :(